Soft? No! It means strong!

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Y/n's POV

After our talk, I went ahead towards my cabin. I walked slowly, trying to enjoy my walk as I gazed up, thinking about everything that happened to Haru.

I guess he's gonna be so busy after his debut. At least I could see him for the last time before he goes.

Still enjoying my walk, when suddenly grabs a hold of my hand, leading me left, towards the nearby forest. I whipped my head around to see a fluffy-purpled hair.


"I need to talk to you.."

He said. With his face straight on where we're headed. Since it was Yoichi, I just hummed in response. Because.

I trust him.

And just a few walks away from the camp, he stopped.

"Y-Yoichi..? Is there something bothering you?"

After a quite long silence, he responded.

"Yes.. Yes there is."

"Should we talk about it..?"


He then turn to me, and looked at me. His face contorted in anger and sadness, like holding his tears back. His lips quivering, breathing shakily as he stood in front of me. "Y-Yoichi..? What's wrong..?"

Then, in a glimpse of my eyes, he lunged forward and hugged me tight. His one arm wrapped around my shoulder and the other arm, around my waist, pulling me tight.

"You... p-promised.. right..?" He croaked out. "Y-You.. haven't forgotten that.. p-promise.. right..?"

So that was it. That was why.. Yoichi looked at me that way earlier..

I then wrapped my arms around his torso, gently hugging him back.

"Yes, I haven't Yoichi. Why would I? A promise will remain a promise."

Then, I heard a hiccup from Yoichi, making his grip tight on my clothes. I then patted Yoichi's back.

Sooner, he let go off me and rubbed his left arm in embarrassment?

I sat down on the green grass and leaned on a tree, gesturing Yoichi to sit beside me to which he immediately complied, almost as if an instinct.

"You know, Yoichi. Even if I'm away, I'm always right- here." I pointed on his chest. "So I am always with you." I smiled. He just lowered his head and just wiped his tears with his arm. I grabbed my handkerchief, carefully putting his arm away and wiped his tears away.

"Tch- I've gone so soft ever since you came here.." He said.

"Hm? Were you? I don't think so."

"Don't I look soft when I cry? I only cry when it's you after all, and.. I feel weak and much softer than I was before, ever since you came." Yoichi rubbed the back of his head, and looked away.

"Well, if you ask me, that wasn't weak. Or soft rather."

"Haa?! I bet I look pathetic as I cry! Let alone in front of you—"

"No, Yoichi. That's the third time now. I'm glad that I'm here. Because I made you stronger." I said, with a smile.

"I fucking don't think so! Everytime I see you, I cry! How's that make me stronger?!" He almost yelled.

"First, language. And, Yoichi, crying isn't weak. It just shows that you were holding it in, bottling it all up, all on your own for years. Give much credit to yourself for that. You were tough in your childhood, keeping yourself safe by avoiding anything that would remind you of your past. And letting all of it out needs effort and courage. For me, that was one of the most bravest things you've ever did, let alone infront of me."

Yoichi just looked at me, wide-eyed.

"Feels good to finally let it all out right? So, if anything that might reminds you of your past again, you know what to do, and sooner, you'll get it over with, and next time, you'll never be sad about it, since you have me, and everyone here. We all love you, Yoichi." I smiled.

Yoichi's eyes shimmered and let his tears fall again, but this time-

He smiled.

"Fucking.. thank you.. Nomoru."

He.. never calls me that. Is he using a last-name basis now? But, I'm really glad.

"No problem, Yo-chan." I smiled, to which he suddenly flinched. Hehe..

"W-What's with the nickname, Richgirl..?"

"Nothing, just a take back from that last name basis. I'm just not really fond of that, because that's my Father's name, not me. But it seems like you're back from yourself again, calling us names. It made me feel like I'm talking to the Yoichi I met on my first day here." I chuckled a bit.

"W-whatever." He said, his cheeks getting a little pink and his ears red. Hm? I wonder why..

And sooner, Yoichi wasn't beside me anymore, but on the grass, laying down, his head on my lap, while ruffling his head gently. He would hum in appreciation, just like a puppy would.

I smiled at this. I looked up the sky.
So blue.

"Yoichi.. look." I pointed up, he also opened his eyes. "The sky's so blue." I smiled, looking back at him.

"O-of course it is, Richgirl! What do you think?!" He stuttered, but nevermind. "Don't you think it make you feel peaceful sometimes? Well, because I do. Just like now, isn't peaceful?"

And then the camp's bell, which calls every campers attention, rang.

"I don't think so anymore. Damn, bell. We gotta go." He then stood up, as I did too.


Yoichi's POV

I saw Frog-boy, Twinkerbell, Mr. Perfect and Torchhead lined up and I also lined up at the back of their line.

"Oh- hey Wolfboi- new hairstyle?" Torchhead pointing to his head.

"I don't want to deal with you now, Torchhead."

"Your hairstyle isn't wolf-like anymore, are you trying to impress Y/n or something?" Torchhead asked.

"W-what?! No!"

"Then, why did you changed your hairstyle?" He asked again, with a mirror in his hand. Oh shit- Y/n.

Yoichi wasn't beside Y/n anymore, but on the grass, laying down, his head on her lap, while ruffling his head gently. He would hum in appreciation, just like a puppy would.

"I-I- was laying down on the ground and didn't even notice it! Alright?!" I yelled.

Y/n's POV

I was beside Angelica and Eduard watching the campers line up as Yoshi-nii-san instructed them to get some wood for the campfire later. And also, noticing Yoichi's hair. I giggled.

"I really like Yoichi's hairstyle right now." I said.

"Yeah, quite isn't like him." Eduard stated.

"Well, I prefer his hair like that always. He always looks like a wolf everytime I see him." Angelica complemented.

"Because he's always gonna be a soft wolf-boi." I said with a smile.

A Yoichi x reader I see 7-7 actually didn't expect to turn it out like this. But I hope you guys liked this chapter, I've been busy that's why, but here you go! ^^

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