Welcome to Hel.... heh, Reference

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Ight Peeps! I was tagged by virgilsfalloutboy and now I must do it or some punishment thing might happen..... Heh, Kinky. Plush I must tag 15 people after....;-; yay, alright, let's get to it.... sooooooo, 13 facts about me, huh? Well..

1. My Name -Jenna- Is a Gaelic name.... or Irish, it can mean many things but the most known one is "Paradise". Technically making me a Gaelic Gladiator by default...

2. I absolutely LOVE Rick and Morty, and I painted a Go Kart with them... Picture at the end of the chapter...

3. I may have a 'Slight' obsession with Antisepticeye and Darkiplier.... Help.

4. I am Listening to History Has its Eyes on you as I write this... if that even counts as a fact.

5. I have a brother who shares a Birthday with George Washington. And I flipped when I found out...

6. I legally can Drive in a couple months. Once I turn 15 this year, I can drive with an adult.

7. I have another Wattpad account, it's ---Betelgeuse--- and I have a story on it, But I mainly use this account.

8. I love on the Eastern Standard time.. so it is currently 6:40 pm for me.

9. I am legally Blind in my left eye. I wear glasses to help me see.

10. Related to the last one, I was born a month and a half early, which made my left eye underdeveloped... also why I'm blind in that eye.

11. I love to Draw and Listen to music. It's like a coping Mechanism for me and gets me positive or out of a dark space.

12. Both My dad and my Dad's friend follow me on this account... they are JeffreyLoving and LyndseyMae1.

13. Last for today issss........ Last summer I went to New York and Saw Hamilton on Broadway!! We went there for 3 days and I was star struck the entire time!!

Well Fuckers, that's that... 13 facts about me.... Now for the time consuming part.... the 15 people I have to tag, lets get this shit over with.


Wow, that was actually pretty fast... eh, here us the Go Kart.... bye. OK nevermind... i will just post the pictures some other time cause the will not load... sorry fam.

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