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Betelgeuse and I have been friends for 2 months now and I have started to notice something. He has started to get nicer around me, but the thing is... He's only nicer around me. Its not like he is nice to everyone or as forgiving.. Its kinda weird but that's not the point.

Beej and I were sitting at the table just talking random shit. Its just like any other regular day. Over the past couple weeks i've noticed that Beej's hair changes color based off the emotion he is feeling. Though he tries to hide it but ends up failing. In all honesty I would find it annoying if my hair changed color with my feelings cause i would never be able to hide them. The colors i've noticed so far are, Blue: Sad. Green: Happy. Red: Angry. Purple: Nervous. And Black: Scared. Suddenly a hand flew in front of my face, breaking my thought. I turned to see who it was and Beej looked at me.

"Do you normally stare off into the distancde like that?" He jokingly asked with his usual shit-eating grin. I glared at him.

"No not really. I was just thinking that's all." I replied. What happened next kinda caught me off guard. He stood up reached into his pocket and pulled out this huge bag of.... Coke? Wtf.

"ALRIGHT BITCHES!! WHO'S READY TO GET HIGH AS FUCK!" He suddenly shouted. As soon as he said it, Adam Barbara and Lydia came running down to stop him.

"BITCH YOU AINT DOING COKE!" I yelled back. He smirked at me.

"OH YES I AMM!" I was pissed. Adam rushed to try and take it away but he sadly failed as Betelgeuse snatched it up before he could.

"DROP THE COKE BEFORE I POP YOU IN THE FUCKING MOUTH" I hissed and raised my right hand. The only thing this did was increase his smirk.


"If you don't tell me ill have no choice but to switch to your method of attack!" I was confident enough to get him to stop.

"And that is?" He stopped shouting at least and turned to me. It was my turn to smirk at him.

" I'll flirt with you till the death!" I punched the air and stared directly at him. this caught him off guard. wait what did i say?

"huh.. id like to see you try Babes~" He was laughing a bit and i just decided to stop since Adam managed to take the bag of coke from his hand and walk away.

"N-nevermind." Was all I managed to stutter out while a light blush spread across my face. Shit! why was i flustered all of a sudden. all he did was call me "Babes."

"What's the matter sweetheart, sand worm got your tongue?" He walked towards me slowly. I matched his steps with backward ones of my own. I could feel my face get hotter as the blush darkened. 

"H-hey don't start with your method now!" I backed away even more soon hitting a wall. Adam Barbara and Lydia decided to go back up to the attic and do what ever they were doing before the whole coke thing happened. 

"What method babes~" he asked me innocently as if he didn't know what i was talking about. He walked even closer cornering me to a wall. 

"Y-you know w-what I mean." he just continued to look at me innocently, while slowly making the gap between us smaller. I noticed the tips of his hair go pink. But it was barely visible. 'that's a new color.' wonder why is just appeared?

"hmm, I really don't" was all he said.

"H-hey what ha-happened to ju-just being a s-stuck up d-demon?" His expression went to that of a surprised one. 

"Hey! I may be stuck up but I have the ability to feel." He said defensively. "I only show it to people who i think deserve it." 

"Ok?" during all the talking he managed to close the gap in between us. We were so close that our bodies were pretty much flush together. He looked down at me and the pink in his hair darkened ever so slightly. I could feel the heat radiating from my face and knew i looked pretty vulnerable in this position. He just stared and smirked. 

*Betelgeuse's POV*

Wow she looks so vulnerable underneath I could literally do anything with her this flustered. I lifted her chin with my finger and her blush darkened even more. She looked away and shut her eyes. 'I swear on God's last Satan she's gonna be the death of me... wait I'm already dead, huh this breather really has had an effect on me. the first time we met my main goal was to just get her to marry me so i can be free but man things sure have changed.' I thought about it for a sec. 'Wait!? Do Her? No it cant be! Im just here to be free....right?' I pushed away and went to the roof the breath for a sec. Ironic right?

* Your POV *

"Wha-what just happened" I looked around to see where Beej had vaished to but i had no luck. Walking to my room i noticed Lydia coming down from the attic. I waved to her.

"Hey Lyds." She looked over to me and waved back.

"Hey Y/N. Where'd Bj go?"

"I dont know actually. He just vanished. I checked the house but there wasnt any sign of him." She gave me a puzzled look.

"Well maybe he went to the roof? Did you check there?" I actually never thought to cjeck to roof.

"No I havent thought to check there. Thanks lyds." I turned to go the the roof.

"No problem Y/N/N (your nickname)" I made it to the roof and finally spotted Betelgeuse sitting with his knees hugging his chest. He looked to be deep in thought and didnt notice me come up. I walked over and took a seat next to him.

"Hey Beej. You alright? You just vanished." He looked at me amd sighed.

"Ive got a lot to tell you Babes"

1072 words. Sorry for the cliffhanger. Hang with me.

~Its Complicated~ (Betelgeuse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now