Exorcism- Death for the Dead

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They cant know what i did to those goodie 2 shoes. They WONT know what happened to them. Ill make sure of it.

* Your POV *

It seemed a little sketchy since Beej left to do something and Barbara and Adam dissappeared after he got back but, imma just let it slide. Its probably just a coinsidence anyways. I turned to walk back to my room only to be followed by Beej. 

* Beej's POV *

Y/N started to walk away so i decided to follow her.

"Heyy. Where do ya think youre going princess?~" She stopped and turned to look at me.

"Somewhere?" She raised an eyebrow and stared at me.

"Whyyyyyyy??" She smiled softly amd shock her head, resuming her pace.


"Cause what? Come on Babes. Daddy doesnt like it when you dont give him a full answer~" I had My usual shit-eating grin on. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face me.

"You- are not. My d-daddy! So don't say that type of shit—" I only laughed at her sudden flustered state.

"Huhh wanna test that?" She started to back away. Not saying a single word to me. So I made the desicion to follow her. 'This shit is fun as hell' her back hit the wall and she went wide eyed, making a cross with her fingers.

"You think that can stop me!? Hah!" I cornered her into the wall. She just stayed silent. " What Speechless?" I placed an arm on ech side of her blocking her exits. This caused her to screech and squat down, placing herself as close to the wall as possible.

"Adam! Barbara! Heeelp! I'm being rapped by the fucking demon spawn thing!" She placed her hands on her head to sheild herself. 'Did she forget they're gone? Huh.'

"Their gone kid." She removed her hands from her face and just stared at me.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!" Ouch ok. Why does everyone assume its always me?

"That is for me to know and for you to not find out. But i can promise you this. They arent dead." That was kinda a lie but eh who cares am i right?

"BUT- AREN'T THEY GHOSTS OR SOMETHING?!" I squatted down to her level and lifted her chin with my fingers so she looked at me.

"Babes they were exorcised not to long ago.... For some reason." She just stared.

* Your POV *

When Beej said that they were Exorcised I was in Shock.

"But- I liked them better than you-!" I was really just playing with him to see if he believed it or not. He just smirked.

"Oh really?"

"Yes." His smirk just intensified. I could feel my face start to heat up.

"Well Daddy doesnt like it when you lie sweetheart~" I was blushing furiously now. Screeching again i Hugged myself closer to the wall. He shushed me by putting his hand over my mouth.

"shhhhhh the only thing youll be screaming is my name so just keep that pretty voice of you dowm"

"This. Is. Rape." I crossed my arms and glared at him. He picked me up bridal style and looked at me.

~Its Complicated~ (Betelgeuse x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now