The Confession

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Beej was pretty nervous. He had been thinking for quite some time. But he couldnt deny it any longer. He loved the girl and there was nothing he could do about it.

"What do you need to tell me?" She looked in my direction and i sighed. God those eyes. Those beautiful E/C eyes. I could look in then and be lost forever. 'Its now or never'

"Y/N over the months since we've been friends my first intention was to trick you into marrying me so i could be free but i hit an obsticle on the way. I started to actually like you. But not in a friend way. My hair has been going pink since i laid eyes on you and from that moment i knew itd be hard to trick you. Im still new to the whole emotion thing but i think i love you. You are literally the prettiest person ive met. that smile, god that smile! Its amazing. Your E/C eyes seem to sparkle all the time. I always get lost in them when i look at you. Your laugh is really funny and your personality is just amazing. Youve accepted me even though im a fucked up person. And i just... I dont know im not good with this type of thing." She stared at me in shock. I didnt blame her. It wasnt expected in the least bit. I turned to face her. She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around me.

* Your POV *

I couldnt process what was happening right now. He actually liked me. I mean i did like him back its just unexpected. I scooted closer to him and gave him a long hug. His arms delecately placed themselves around me as if i was fragile and might break if he wasnt careful. I looked up at him and he met my gaze with tear stained eyes threatening to spill.

"Look Beej I like you too. I know its soon but i do. You one of the first people to actually understand me. You yourself may not have the best personality but it takes awaile. Like i have to break down your walls and on the inside youre really kind amd caring. To certain people that is. Sure its kinda scary to think you were faking this the whole time but thats not the point. I beleieve that even the worst person can change. That everyone can be a good person if they just tried. And you proved that. So Beej, I like you too." I cupped his cheek with my hand and mustered the strength to place my lips on his. And oh my god were they soft. He was a little startled but kissed back picking me up and placing me on his lap ever so gently. Eventually we had to part cause, ya know i have to breath. Its a thing non dead people do. Slightly panting from the kiss i rested my head on his chest.

* Beej's POV *

I looked down at her and smiled softly. 'What did i do to deserve her?' It started getting dark and i noticed she had fallen asleep so i picked her up and telepoted us to her room and placed her in her bed. Laying down next to her, i wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the back of her head resting my chin on
it. Closing my eyes i drifted off to sleep.

* Thrid POV *

A soft smile could be seen on Y/N's face as Beej kissed her head. She was glad he came into her life, Even if it just was to trick her. Little did they know Lydia was in the door way snapping a picture quietly fangirlling to herself. Sometime early in the Morning Beej untangled him self from Y/N and went off to do something he's been meaning to do. He came back a hour later and was slightly covered in sand from his task. He got rid of the sand and walked back into Y/N's room only to find her not there. He checked around the house but couldnt find her. His hair went a slight black at the tips as he rushed out to Lyd's room to ask her. (690 words heh) he banged on the door and waited for a response.

* Lydia's POV *

I was suddenly woken up by the sound of running and a loud banging noise on my door. 'Its like 8am who tf is it.' I stayed in my bed hoping they would just go away. But to my dismay, the pounding continued. Groaning i got up and tiredly trudged to the door. The first thing i noticed when i opended to the door was a very frightened Betelgeuse. I glared at him.

"Beej its 8 in the fucking morning! What do you want?"

"Have you seen Y/N? she's not in her room. I checked the house but I cant find her!" He looked genuinly scared and i kinda felt bad.

"What happened last night Beej? You both were on the roof for like forever"

"Umm... She confronted me on the roof and i confessed the fact that i actually fell for her and she actually liked me back."

"Did you try and.... Rape her?" Considering its Beej he mightve but i need to get the full story.

"If I said no would you believe me?"


"We just kissed and then she fell asleep nothing more." As he said this i noticed Y/N come out of the kitchen with some crisosaunts (?). He noticed i wasnt looking at him and followed my line of sight till he saw her.

* Beej's POV *

I noticed that Lydia wasnt listening anymore and got pretty annoyed since this is a serious matter. She seemed to be looked at something so i followed her line of sight till i saw Y/N. My hair went back to its green as i rushed down to where she was and hugged her tight.

"Babes! There you are! I couldnt find you." She let out a small laugh and hugged me back.

"I could say the same to you Bj. You werent here when i woke up. Whered you go?" Well so much for being sneaky. She's not really supposed to know.

"Just went to do something. Thats all" she looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What was that 'something'?"

"Nothing you need to worry about sweetcheeks" she glared at me but soon shrugged it off and went to the table to finish her crisosaunts.

"Hey guys. Have you seen Barbara or adam?" Lydia said as she walked down from the attic.

"I dont know maybe in the Netherworld or some shit."

'Shit! They cant find out!'

1132 words. Just hang with me hmguys i have a plot and its gonna be a good plot. Just you wait.

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