"Okay! Okay! Fine. Congrats! " He broke me off.

"But Dad remember you said that you would allow me to go with my friends to Maldives for vacations. So what say?" I said.

"Wait I wasn't serious. I didn't think that you would actually try to win the competition." He said.

"Dad!" I grumbled.

"Listen I can't let you go alone to a far off place with..." He began but now my attention shifted to Nikhil who just entered the hallway talking to maybe some investor.

I just kept staring at him, his dark eyes, the way he was talking, the way he was walking, the way he was breathing and what not. I loved the whole of him.

"Hey Sam, are you listening what I am saying?" Dad brought me back to reality.

"Yes Dad! I am," I said to him. "Dad, we will talk about this later. I have something more important to do." I shouted while I ran to Nikhil who still was talking to someone.

"Hi Nikhil!" I interrupted them without bothering that he might be having some important discussion.

"Okay. We will talk more about this later." He said to the man with whom he was talking. "Hi Sam! How are you?" He said turning towards me.

I just kept staring at him. He looked perfect today. He always does. And his voice was like chirping of birds to my ears.

"Are you here Sam?" He broke me out of my thoughts.

"Yes I am perfectly alright, even better after seeing you! How are you?"

"I am fine too!" He said.

We talked for about an hour while having coffee at a nearby cafe. We talked about everything that happened in our lives ever since we last met. He told me about his struggles in managing the company without his Dad.

It's always amazing to chat with Nikhil. It never feels like it's been long since we met. It always feels as if we just met yesterday. We really get along well. We are great friends. But I want it to be more than that. I don't know how to go about doing that. I get really shy when it comes to Nikhil.

"Okay Sameera, I will talk to you later. I need to leave right now." Nikhil spoke.

"You always are busy! You never have time so that we can have a chat." I complained.

"Sam, if you want we can meet up some other day, but right now I need to run." He said.

"Okay! So when will you be free?" I asked him knowing that I won't get a satisfactory answer.

"Umm... Maybe tomorrow for dinner." He said. It was really unexpected because whenever I ask him when he is free I mostly get a no as answer.

"You are taking me for dinner?" I questioned getting delighted.

"Well I was just thinking to come over to your place. Then I could have had discussed some important things with your father too about business but if you want we can go somewhere else." He explained.

Poor me! How could I even think that he wanted to spend some time with me.

"It's okay if you are busy. We will have dinner some other day." I said to him trying to be as polite as I could.

"Don't be mad Sam. I really want to spend some time with you. It's just that I am a little busy nowadays. But I really miss how we used to hang out together. Tell me where do you want to go for dinner with me." He explained.

I was grinning from ear to ear. Did he just said that he want to spend some time with me. Did he just said that he misses me. No he didn't. He said that he misses the time we spent together. Are they different? Whatever he really want to hangout with me. I was in seventh heaven.

Broken Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें