Chapter 24

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Alexandra P.O.V
"I'm sorry if I was too rough." Kaiden says grabbing the makeup powder package and closing it for me. I covered up so many marks I almost didn't have enough makeup. Ok that was not exactly true but there were marks on my wrists, throat, fingers, arms, shoulders and the back of my neck.

"Kaiden look at me." I say putting his chin up to look at me.

"I love you god damn it and you didn't hurt me...I wouldn't stay with you if you did." I say kissing his soft lips for a loving kiss.

"I love you so much." He grabs my cheek and kisses back with force. I add my tongue smiling into the kiss he wanted. I tilt my head so he can get better access.

"Now I will see you tomorrow ok?" I say kissing his lips on last time.

"Ok...but if he notices the marks again I'll be dead." Kaiden smirks at me putting his forehead against mine.

"I won't let him or anyone see them but you baby." I whisper opening the car door and walking to the front door.

I put my key into the front door and storm into the dining room knowing I was way late to dinner time. My mom, dad and Chance looked angry but were talking to Em instead.

"Sorry I'm late." I say sitting down at the table next to Emily.

"Emily why don't you go get more food we need to talk to Alexandra for a second." My father announced for everyone to hear.

Emily sweetly gets up and goes to the kitchen. My father looked pissed and Chance looked like he was going to kill someone.

"We're the fuck were you Alexandra Johnson?" My father says clanging his fork onto the plate.

"I was with Kaiden, we just lost track of time." I shrug my shoulders looking at my hands.

"Are you having sex with him Alexandra?" My mother asks me out of the blue making me look up at her. Did Chance say something?

"No." I lie shaking my head leaning back in the seat.

"I can tell when your lying Alexandra." Chance says raising an eyebrow.

"If I was it's none of your business." I scoff rolling my eyes.

"It is if he's hurting my daughter." My father says bluntly putting his hands in a fist.

"You thought no one saw your wrist last week when you went to your room and then they were gone? You covered them up with you have them now?" My mom says sitting next to me wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"Your in a toxic relationship Alexandra, you need to break up with him." Chance says lifting his hands up.

"If he's going to hit you, you need to tell someone." My father says grabbing my hand rubbing circles around my hand.

He let go of them and I see the makeup came off. I don't think they noticed but my mom did.

"What the fuck is that Alexandra?!" She asks making my dad and brother look at my hand in anger.

"Nothing..I-." I shake my head thinking of what to come up with.

"I promise you he's not hitting me." I say calmly looking at all of them.

"I would like for him to come over this weekend for dinner, we should get to know him better." My father says cleaning up his plate.

"That's a good idea." I nod my head looking at my mother.

"I- I am going to bed." I say walking out of the room and to my room.

I didn't hear my mom follow me but she did. She switched the lights on and slammed the door shut.

She lifts up my shirt in the back showing the scratch marks on me. I shove her away from me and give her the evil eye.

"What is he doing to you Alexandra?" My mother says in a sad tone.

"Mom he's not doing anything." I say shaking my head grabbing my sweatpants and sweatshirt of my dresser.

"I know when your lying to me..are you having sex with him?" She asks throwing my cloths angrily at my bed.

"No were not." I shake my head denying everything she says.

"Alexandra I won't tell anyone please I'm your can tell me." She hugs me tightly.

"Mom your going to tell dad and everyone then your going to call Kaiden out and yell at him and Throw him out." I shake my head walking away from her touch.

"I swear on my life I won't say anything." She says sitting next to me.

She never said things like this. Could I really trust her? Just tell her.

"He um..we have really intense." I mumble on but she knows the words.

"But he doesn't do anything I don't want to's embarrassing to tell your family member you might actually like it or more so love it." I chuckle to myself shrugging my shoulders.

"He's a great guy mom, I just wish they would see it like I do." I sigh playing with the pillow in my arms.

"Ok maybe this wasn't my business but if he does hurt you..please for the love of Christ talk to me." She says hugging me.

"I will." I nod my head watching her leave my room.

Then as I am about to put my sweatpants on I hear a knock on my window. I open to see who it is.

Thank you for reading🙏❤️

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