Chapter 10

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Alexandra P.O.V
I walk out of the room and see Kaiden with his niece on his back fighting him. Kaiden turned my way which made the girl I think her name was Daisy turn my way.

"Who's your new friend uncle K!" She happily says jumping up running to hug me. He looked at me with a worried look on his face. But he smiles at Daisy and I felt sad he didn't smile at me.

"I'm Alexandra." I say to Daisy as she pulls me in.

"I'm Daisy! And you are my new best friend!" She hugs me tightly laughing at herself.

"Well it's nice to meet you new best friend." I say smiling so big it hurts my cheeks.

"Your very pretty to be Uncle K's friend..are you his girlfriend?" She asks turning to Kaiden crossing her  arms.

"No Daisy she's not my girlfriend..bit space between words girl who is a friend." He says turning to her for a quick second.

"Well it's time for you to go to sleep Daisy." He huffs getting up from the couch. It was only 9:00z

"Oh my god I'm nineteen for gods sake K. Why are you telling me what do when your seventeen hm?" Kaiden chuckles.

"Whatever Daisy." His eyes roll, stepping closer to me.

But why was it Kaiden for some reason stepped closer to me? No Alexandra don't get ahead of yourself. But was he mad at me?

I walked up to him. He looked at me curious of what I was going to do.

"Goodnight Kaiden." I say hugging him softly trying not to squeeze the life out of him. There was a bolt of electricity flowing through my body when I hugged him and it made my heart race.

"Goodnight Alexandra." He says quietly barely audible.

I walk silently to the room and went under the covers. It was comfy but I felt lonely. Do not go sleep in his room Alexandra. You just laid down.

That's when my thoughts slowly started to fade away and my vision turned to darkness.
"Alexandra Johnson you will stay in here for the rest of the day!" My dad yells pushing me by my wrist into my room. He slammed the door shut and locked it.

"No dad! Please don't do this!" I cry banging on the door. I whimper from the pain in my wrist.

"Mom! Please!" I say letting out a scream out at the last part.

"I need someone to love me and care for me!" I yell at myself.

"Run away."

"Run away."

"Run away!"

I scream.

I jolt up in fear. I noticed I wasn't in my room and I was faced with darkness. The sweat and fear rolled down my face with a few tears.

I looked on the clock and it read 2:00 am. I was asleep for hours already. I was scared to shut my eyes and lay back down. I got up and ran to the only place I ever needed to be. I ran to Kaiden's room.

I knock on the door quietly. I saw the light on so he had to be awake. The door creaked while Kaiden was opening it. He looked tired and confused.

I had a few tears running but nothing big like a full on sobbing.

"Can I sleep with you?" I ask him nervously playing with my fingers.

"Yeah." He moves to the side so I can walk in. His room was warm. I felt him behind me climbing into his bed.

I lay on my side pulling the black covers over me. I put my legs up and snuggle myself. Kaiden turns off the light laying down next to me.

He doesn't touch me nor could I even feel him touch me but I know he's debating on touching me. I roll over and put my arms around him. He's stiff at first but then after a few minutes he wraps his arm around my waist.

I snuggle my head on his chest and close my eyes. The warmth is feeling like......

I love these two together!
Thank you for reading.!❤️

Reckless Love(Book 1) •Under Editing•Where stories live. Discover now