"Way to give me a heart attack, Miss Stevens.", she groaned, closing her eyes and no doubt fully intending on going back to sleep.

"I didn't want to wake you."

She grumpily mumbled yet something else, my ears not catching it in the slightest.

I had to smile at that. Actually, I had to smile period when I was around her.

"Care to share why you're standing there like a creep instead of taking your ass to bed?", she questioned after a short silence, her sleepy eyes taking me in.

I harshly swallowed the lump in my throat, the fact that I didn't feel nervous or anxious hitting me like a freight train. As a matter of fact, I felt certain. Certain of the fact that I wanted her by my side for the rest of my life, and I wanted her to know that.


"Marry me.", I found myself whispering, loud enough for her to hear.

I watched her as she stopped breathing for a split second, her arms wrapping around a pillow soon after as her eyes closed again.

"If this is my punishment for what happened today, could you at least think about something, I don't know, less permanent?"

God, I'm proposing to an idiot.

"Marry me.", I repeated, this time louder and causing her to snap her head in my direction.

"How much wine did you have?", she mumbled, causing me to roll my eyes in amusement.

I shook my head at her, slowly approaching the bed as I eventually crawled up on it and found myself hovering over her, two sparkly yet confused green eyes looking up to me.

"Fucking marry me, García.", I whispered, brushing my lips against hers.

"S-shit, you're serious."

"As a matter of fact, I am.", I smirked, placing a soft tender kiss on her lips before moving to her neck. "My heart threatens to explode just at the thought of you.. everything about you never seizes to blow my mind on a daily basis, and I want you by my side for the rest of my life. I want to wake up to you every morning, just like I want to fall asleep in the safety of your arms every single night. I love you, Alex..", I whispered, her arms quickly finding their usual spot around my waist as she pulled me closer. "I love every single detail about you, and ever since you walked into my life, not once have I been able to picture it without you. You set me on fire, Alex.. and do you wanna know what else I love about you?"


"I love how you make me laugh.", I husked, smiling against her neck. "I love how you make me feel wanted, and loved, and appreciated. I love how you never fail me, even for the smallest of things. And above it all, I love how you hold my daughter.. how you never fail to be there for her in every possible way, for us.. So yeah, I'm asking you: will you marry me?", I whispered, this time bringing my eyes up to hers, tears threatening to escape as we both looked at each other in awe.

She cupped my face, staring at me intently as I literally saw a thousand emotions cross her eyes, a goofy smile coming my way followed by utter silence. A silence that actually made me wonder if-

"Yes.", she whispered, causing my heart to stop and my smile to get even wider.


"Actually, scratch that, Miss Stevens.", she trailed off, smirking like an idiot. "Fuck yes."

Shaking my head at her in amusement and completely overwhelmed by the happiness threatening to burst out my chest, I leaned down, capturing her lips into a passionate kiss.

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