"She came over to me this morning and started babbling her mouth like she always does about you and her being a thing. It's quite annoying if you ask me. She thinks I give a shit."

Jace narrowed his eyes at Taylor, when she noticed this she immediately smiled and winked at him.

"I promise Blake, she isn't my girlfriend."

Jace turned to look at Blake who was packing up her drawing book.

"If she is or isn't I don't care."

Jace huffed loudly just as the bell rang as everyone began to get up from their tables. Blake grabbed her board that was next to her and Jace stood next to her as she passed by.

"She isn't."

"Okay John I don't care like I just said. Just tell her to get off my back before I give her more than a bloody nose."

He looked down on her exposed forearm and saw her tattoo.

"What's that tattoo mean?" Jace asked as he pointed to her forearm.

"None ya."

He sighed and Blake glanced at the defeated look on his face.

"It's a matching tattoo."

She shocked herself by blurting it out but didn't show it.

"With who?"

She smirked slightly to herself and faced him.

"My boyfriend back home."

She watched his face drop completely but it quickly got picked up again.

"He must be a great guy in order to get a matching tattoo with him."

Blake choked back her laugh and smacked Jace's shoulder.

"Don't be such a baby I don't even have a boyfriend, I was kidding. My mom has the same one."

Blake was surprised she said this much, she is always a closed book. But Jace has tried so hard to be close with her, might as well give him a little information.

Jace nodded and relief coursed through his body. He was extremely relieved she didn't have a boyfriend.

"That's nice of you to get a matching tattoo with your mom."

Blake nodded and let her lips curl up the tiniest bit but Jace noticed. He only ever saw her smile once with her mom. He thought it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.

"Do you have a matching tattoo with your dad?"

And with that question Blake went back to the stone cold look that she always carried. She blocked herself again and regretted even opening up to Jace.

Jace noticed and immediately regretted the question with how her lips dropped to the thin line it's always in.

"No, leave me alone."

Blake sped walked off, maneuvering her way through the body of students as she avoided their touch. Jace sighed as he watched the retreating purple haired girl.


Blake closed her eyes and blasted her father's songs in her headphones. She loved hearing his voice, it always used to calm her when he would sing her to sleep. Even if he was away he would always call her and sing her to sleep.

She listened to every beat of the song, every pause, every word that left his lips and remained in her ears as he began singing more of it. She was always so amazed on how awesome her dad truly was.

He was an extremely talented singer, an amazing actor and was just everyone's favorite go to person. He was so genuine to everyone around him and never hesitated to help out people when in need.

After listening to his album she took her headphones out and stared at the ceiling.

Blake felt alone.

She felt as if no one was there for her anymore. She knew she had people, but she always ended up feeling alone.

Blake wanted her father. Her dad always made sure she was okay, always wanted her to be happy even if he had to go the extra mile but she feels as if no one would do that for her anymore. She knows she has Chris, and his wife and his son, but they were just there because they feel as if they have to in Blake's mind. Her own mom hasn't checked up on her.  But as long as she was doing good in Blake's mind then it was fine.

If her mother's way of getting better was shutting Blake out then she will watch it happen, even if it is her own mom.

Blake curled into a little ball, feeling vulnerable. She really didn't want to cry but she felt like she was going to explode.

She grabbed her skateboard and rushed out of the house. She skated fast to the skatepark but hopped off her board, picked it up and rushed to the woods. No one was around her and she was glad that Jace didn't pop up out of no where like he somehow always does.

Blake collapsed onto the leaves and broken little twigs as they cracked beneath her.

And for the first time in almost ten months she cried.

The Girl with the Purple HairWhere stories live. Discover now