Chapter 17 - Breaking away

Start from the beginning

Trotting up to a lake, I lowered my head and lapped at the still water creating ripples in the surface. Sitting back on my hind legs I watched the ripples with curiosity, comparing them with my own life.

The fur on my body soon felt heavy again, and the whimpers of my wolf were starting to hurt my head. The breeze did little to soothe me, I was expecting something, I was the one that told them to go, but still, it hurt like a bitch.

Another round of sobs racked through my body and before I knew it my wolf form retreated to the back of my mind and I was left bare and alone in the middle of the woods. I brought my legs up wrapping my arms around them and resting my head in my knees.

I thought it would seem strange, being naked in the middle of the woods, but it was actually quite comfortable. I felt slightly free and I was able to mourn alone successfully.

Or so I thought.

He approached me slowly, I could faintly sense him from in the distance, but I stayed still not really caring what he thought. He had already seen me and if he hadn't he would be able to connect the dots, oh well I'm a depressed teenager, don't judge.

As the footsteps approached, I didn't move, I recognized his scent immediately. I didn't want to run anymore, he wouldn't try to catch me, simply follow. Which was ten times worse.

He paused behind me and I raised my head to see what he was doing, but something ruff dropped onto my shoulders. Catching the ends of the blanket, I wrapped the harsh fabric around me as he sat down on the ground close by.

"Thank you." I muttered.

He didn't say anything just stretched his jean-clad legs forward and leaned back. Glancing at him, I saw a blank look on his face, but his eyes were deep in thought. After a good five minutes, I wondered if he had fallen asleep. Knowing he wasn't going to say anything first, I opened my mouth.

"How long have you been following me?"

He took a few moments to consider his answer, "I saw you leave the house."

"Oh, why were you at my house?"

"You were acting strange today. I was worried."

"Oh, that's a good reason to spy on my house." I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Actually I was just going to have a peek. Everyone was celebrating before the ceremony, I was just about to head back there when you left."

"I see."

"Well I'm... shocked."

I laughed at his choice in words, shaking my head side to side.

"Are you going to kill me now I know?" He grinned.

"No." I chuckled.

"He knows doesn't he? Rowan?"


"I saw the two of you leaving that day, you headed off in his car, I was really curious but when I brought it up Rowan went really quiet. I think he was afraid."

"He was, if others found out we would have to leave, including Meg."

"You're not going to leave because I know right?" He looked worried and I smiled.

"No Sam, we aren't."

Sam relaxed leaning back on his hands and staring out at the water, we were silent for a few moments. Neither one of us wanting to break the peace.

"You're a werewolf?"



Silence. God this was getting awkward.

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