Chapter 18

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Beam's POV

"So.. what's up, FRIEND!!!", This was the first thing I heard when he spoke, Oh god! I totally screwed up, didn't I?

I admit that I fucked up. But I didn't expect him to be this angry. Even though I saw a fleeting emotion of concern on his face he masked it all well when looking at me. All I could see was him being stone cold!

Time was ticking and we both stood facing each other without saying anything. I know I have to say something, but it felt like my tongue was tied.

He was getting restless, I know it, I could feel it. After what I felt like ages, he spoke, "I thought at least I deserved some explanation. But it seems like you don't even respect me that much! You can go Beam! Door is that way!", He said pointing to the door and turned away from me.

Suddenly I felt like the ground was pulled from my feet. His back, him turning away from me, him going away from me was the last thing that I wanted. I can face anything, but I won't survive him turning away from me, him being away from me. I don't think I can remember the time I lived without him, without his memories.

I was starting to panic, I could feel my breaths getting heavier. I had to do something before I fuck this up more. I heaved a deep sigh and lunged towards him, backhugging, caging him in my arms.

He was trying to untie my hands around his shoulders, struggling to be away from my grip. "Pl-please do-don't go away from me!", I was stuttering trying to talk in between my laboured breaths, "Just-just hear me out please".

He stopped struggling and turned towards me, looking directly into my eyes. And for a second I was caught in their depth.

"What Beam?", He said breaking our eye contact. Still stone cold. And I cannot bear this.

"I-, I, I am sorry", I said looking down. He was still in my arms and I was not going to let him go.

"What are you sorry for?", He took a deep breath and asked.

I was still looking in between our bodies, thinking about our so close contact, the only boundary was the clothes on our skin. I have never touched someone like this, never yearned for someone like this. The emotions that he brought out in me, still brings out in me are extreme levels and I am terrified at the fact that he had that effect on me when I didn't even know who he was to me. This is exciting and terrifying at the same time.

He is my salvation, but am I his? He said he loves me, right?, So it is okay to hope that he will be always there for me, right? Will he abandon me someday? Will he get tired of me?

But he said he loves me, right? then why did he not get angry but instead chose to walk out when I said he was my friend to Pha. Am I just a fling for him? Am I not important to him?

I was getting carried away in my thoughts and questions that I didn't notice myself hyperventilating. Forth was quick to notice this and he quickly swapped out roles caging me into his chest, drawing small circles on my back in an attempt to calm me down.

"Concentrate on me baby, concentrate", he was guiding me back, "focus on my words baby, you are okay, I got you", he pulled me more closer as if it was possible and said, "jump".

And just like a normal bodily reflex I jumped onto him, encircling my legs around his waist and arms around his neck, snuggling closer with my head placed in my favourite spot.

He caught me tight in his arms and brought me to his bed and sat with me on his lap, still in his embrace. And I instantly found myself calming down.

If I could I would wish to remain in his embrace forever.

"What are you sorry for Beam?", He asked again, this time in utmost softness. Again I took a deep breath, closing my eyes only to open and look into his piercing ones, and I was lost in his eyes, again. But this time they provided me with the confidence that I needed.

"I love you", I said with my sudden found confidence and closed the space between us capturing his lips in between mine. He was startled but I didn't back out, I kept on nibbling and biting on his lower lips till he started responding. My hands were raking his hair and my small innocent kiss was turning into a heated passionate one.

A minute into the kiss and we both were moaning and gasping and clutching each other. I knew he was holding back with the way his hands were moving on my body, especially my thighs. I know he wants me, I also want him, but right now baby steps. His hands were moving from my biceps to my chest to my abdomen and back to my arms. He pulled me closer tracing his hands back and forth over my spine, only to stop at my nape and pull my head closer to bite on my lips. This time I obediently opened my mouth granting him permission. His every touch was sending shivers in me.

I could feel his smirk on my lips, and I rolled my eyes at him. I pulled away, both of us resting our foreheads together, with panting breaths, not cutting our eye contact, he whimpered at the loss of contact. "I am sorry I disrespected you!, I am sorry I hurt you!,  And I am so sorry I said you were just my friend!", I said through my breaths.

A small smile was starting to adorn his handsome face, he quickly pulled me for a smooch which ended with the loudest mwah with quick follow up pecks all over my face.

I was grinning all the while at his antics. He pulled me closer and readjusted our position laying on the bed with me laying on top of him.

The only thought I had now was that I could really get used to this. I hugged him hard and put my head between his neck and shoulders. "I love you Forth", I said closing my eyes.

"I love you too baby", he replied and I knew from his tone that he meant business. But my insecurities were suddenly making a re-entry to my mind. I was still thinking when he asked, "baby what is wrong? What are you thinking?"

I was clutching his t-shirt so tightly with sudden stiffness, he must have noticed that. I think it is better if I say my insecurities right now instead of bottling up. I looked into his eyes for that energy boost. "Forth ?"

"Yes baby?", He was caressing my hair.

"You won't abandon me right?, You love me right? I am not just a curiosity to you, right?"

"Where is this coming from baby and what do you mean by just curiosity!", He furrowed his brows.

"Tell me, Forth. You will always be there with me right. You won't leave me and throw me for someone else or for money right?", I was starting to cry at this point.

"No baby, I won't. If you don't love me anymore, I would make you fall in love with me again. If you don't want me anymore, I ll make you need me again. This must be hard to believe but as much as YOU need me I also need YOU to survive baby", he paused for a second to gather himself and continued.

"I know it is too soon to tell you all this, but you know what baby, I was waiting for you for 3 years. And I am in love with you from three years. So I think 'too soon' itself is a moot point in our case. I don't think I can even define my love for you with words baby. I loved you when I didn't even know you. Do you think I ll be able to leave you when I know who you are and when I have you next to me like this, I love you too much to put me and you through that baby", he said mimicking my action of sniffing him.

I am ecstatic with his confession. He said exactly the same things that I am feeling. His feelings are almost a ditto to mine. It is good that I voiced my concerns.

"Everything is gonna be okay baby! I am gonna be with you in your every step from now on. It is gonna be Beam and Forth against the world now okay?", he pecked me on my lips again. I nodded.

We were resting when I suddenly remembered something, "baby, what did you do to my car?", I asked him with an accusatory glare.

"Hahahhh!!!.....hahahhhhh!!", And he just started laughing at me.

"You are so mean", I said with a pout.

"Oh my god! You are so cute!", He was laughing.

He pulled me towards him, laying me on his side with his arms as my pillow, his legs on my thighs, side by side in each other's embrace. This is enough for now. I can fight everything with him by my side.

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