Chapter 10

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Oh! Beam is pissed and he is glaring at me his entire way. And he took the seat which is at the farthest distance from me. How much more childish can he be. Pfft!

The guys obviously were eyeing me. They knew I don't usually entertain behaviours like that. Lam raised his brows questioning me silently. I just shrugged.

"Hi, I am Phana, first year medical student" Pha extended his hands to the guys.

"Dude the whole college knows you, you don't have to give an introduction! the way! I am Max", Max said, making everybody laugh. Beam too.

"Hey Max, I am Kit, first year medical student"

"I am Tul"


"I am Park"

"Beam, my name is Beam" Beam extended his hands for a shake with everybody.

"Me, Lam and Park are from Electrical Engineering and Max is from Mechanical and Tul is from Computer Engineering", I added to the convo. Everybody nodded at me except Beam!

Suddenly I am finding the path to being his friend too long!

"What would you guys have, hard drinks or beer", asked Park, waving his hands with four bottles between his fingers.

"We have got class tomorrow. Drinking hard drinks would be not wise", Kit added as a matter of fact. I passed them beer bottles. Pha and Kit took it from me. Beam was ignoring me heavily. "Beam, your beer", I extended the bottle to him.

Again, ignoring. He sighed and took it from me and muttered an inaudible thanks.

We too took beer instead of our usual drinks. I was constantly eyeing Beam,and he was constantly ignoring me.

Talking to everybody, making small conversations with them. I was like an air to him.

Wait a minute! Wasn't I the one who decided it would be world minus Beam for me. Now if feels like it is world minus Forth for him.

I found it extremely disturbing. Him giving me cold shoulders was making me extremely sad and thus making me pick up more bottles and drink more.

But even then, Why do I want to please him?

I, Forth Jaturapoom Jamornhum, never allowed anybody to treat me this way.

Park was giving me side glances, obviously asking what's my deal with Beam. "I'll tell you later", I mouthed to him.

Beam caught that. And gave a grunt. Okay! That is it. No more Mr. Nice guy. If he is gonna ignore me, I am gonna do the same.

Even deciding that, I couldn't ignore him. I was too disturbed and frustrated seeing Beam shunning me out and talking to everybody else.

Guys were picking up my mood and stopped ordering so that we could leave.

I was just about to stand and walk away from there when a fight broke out in the bar and some guy pushed some other guy who pushed the server who was about to walk past me, to serve the drinks in the nearby booth. He tripped and fell after yanking my chain from my neck and tearing top buttons of my shirt.

And to my utter dismay, all those glasses and the drinks landed on top of my head, dumping the contents inside, totally drenching me. My hair, my shirt, my pants. Everything was drenched. And Beam just started laughing at me!

It won't be an exaggeration if I say I wanna kill someone now. I was already pissed before, this just took it to another level.

If I could produce lasers from my eyes, Beam would be dead any second. I gave a loud grunt.

That was enough signal for my boys to settle the mess. Tul took the server away, passing me my necklace, before I beat the shit out of him. Lam took the tissues to help me wipe. Park went to settle the bill. Max went after the group who started the fight.

I was just sitting in my seat, controlling my anger. I didn't want others to notice. Pha must have noticed my killer stance that he immediately made Beam shut his mouth.

His attitude and laughs were maddening me. I removed my shirt and gave it a squeeze and placed it on the table. I put my neck chain on the shirt and used it to wipe it.

And then I saw Beam's taunts halting. He took the chain and looked between that and me, multiple times. He gave me a confused gaze and eyes filled with thousands of questions in them, clenching the chain in his palm.

What is his deal now! I snatched my chain from him. But he was still not talking. Pha and Kit were also amused at Beam's expression.

I kept the chain back on the shirt. I was carefully drying it when Beam asked," Is it yours?" As if he cannot believe it and wanted to confirm something.

What is he playing at!

I ignored him and kept on drying my chain. "Forth, I asked you if it is yours?", Why did he suddenly decide to be nosy.

I won't answer him. I am gonna give him back his own medicine! I am gonna ignore him.

"What's wrong Beam?", Pha asked him and that made myself look at him. I sighed.

"This is my most priceless possession, my treasure", I gave him a half hearted answer.

"Is it yours, anybody else have it?", He asked me again.

"What is it to you if it is mine or not! I mean I didn't exist for you up until now! Why are you becoming interested suddenly! Hmm? But to answer your question no! Nobody else can have it. Why? Why! because it is mine, only mine", I couldn't control myself and showered my anger on him.

I know Beam didn't expect to be shouted at by me, he suddenly became quiet. As if his eyes became life less. Almost like someone else. He then looked on the floor not even lifting his gaze even when Kit and Pha called him multiple times.

Pha gave me a sorry glance.

I heaved a sigh again.

"It was a gift from my mother. It is made from my father's engagement ring.", I started explaining to him, but he didn't lift his head.

The memory of that chain was making me so sad, even then I continued, "I had one made from my mother's ring before. But I lost it before. Before 3 years. I was so devastated at losing it, so my father ordered someone to make me an exact replica of the one made from my mother's ring". He looked at me clutching his chest.

I was in a trance, Beam was taking me deep into his eyes and it was like his eyes were asking me to continue. So I did, "The chain has F for Forth written on the locket and it has pictures of my mom and dad.

He looked at me teary eyed and for a second I couldn't believe it. Almost like a reflection of my eyes. The same depth of pain and guilt and regret. But why?

He was still clutching his shirt as if holding onto something for strength.

And that made me wanna explain my behaviour from before to him,"Beam I am sorry if I shouted at you. That is so precious to me, if I lose it again I don't think I can forgive myself. And you were laughing at me, that's why I lashed out at you. I am sorry"

Did I shout too much? He became too quiet. But then he was looking at me with eyes full of an unexpected longing.... But why?

The boys except Lam came back after solving everything. "Ready to go back boss?", Max asked. Telling Beam about my chain somehow made my mood better, Not good better but not bad better either. I wanted to drink some more right now. "No, maybe we can continue where we left off", I said and the boys sat at their previous seats.

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