Chapter 5

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Pha's PoV

I am clearly tired after the practice, I am hungry as I have not eaten anything in the afternoon. I just wanna eat something, anything right now. I walked out to the benches where I told Beam to wait for me, he must have bought some kinda snacks to gorge on.

I couldn't see Beam on benches. I look around and I spotted them walking towards the benches and I saw Beam grinning like crazy and Kit is red????....what the hell happened?? Is he blushing?? For Beam?? might be wrong.

I jogged towards them and I could see that Beam trying to control his laughter after seeing me. Something is not right here...

"What happened??  Why is this idiot blushing like a high school girl who just got accepted by her long term crush??" I asked Beam, curiously pointing at Kit.

"Hahahhaah.. exactly my thoughts pha.....Pha, you won't believe what I just saw...hahhahhh....our Kit is in L.O.V.E....I just met with his admirer apparently who is still in high school. Hahhahhaa" Beam explained with animated hand and finger heart signs.

"One more word Beam and I ll kick you in the ass" Kit hiss.

"What!!! Is it true....that our tsundere boy is in love!!!!!....hahhahhaa" I too start laughing. You have to admit, Kit's face and expressions are a vision to see."I mean who in their right mind would admire him...he is crazy!!!" I continued to laugh teasing Kit.

"Ha..Ha..ha...very funny!! laugh all you want!! You know what I am gonna go alone and have dinner...." He stood up angrily and stormed towards the parking lot.

"Kit.....wait....I am sorry. I won't laugh....I was just teasing you....come on...." He is still walking away. "Come on Beam, let's make him spill beans about this" We both ran behind an angry Kit.

We caught up with him, but I could see he is still angry. "Come on Kit, we were just teasing you. Come we will have dinner together.." Beam tried to coax him. "And also will talk about your "boyfriend"......"I added as he tried to give me a mean glare...but he is still red. there must be something happening  between them which is making him blush like this.

We got on Kit's car and drove towards pretty mama's shop for dinner. Beam was still giggling in the back seat and I was trying hard to not laugh at the expressions and faces Kit was making. How can we not laugh when Kit is giving this cute angry can we??!!

We reached the shop, I ordered food for all three of us while Beam walked to sit at our usual table. Kit joined afterwards. I don't understand why he is behaving awkwardly. It is not like we are gonna judge him for having a boyfriend.

"Okay ... let's hear it" Beam said without wasting time. "Come on Kit, chop chop" I added clapping my hands.

"There is nothing to tell" Kit replied in a reduced voice, shyly. Oo....he is not gonna spill. I might have to make him take a guilt trip to spill "Okay Mr. Shy-boy we can see it clearly from your face that it is nothing" I said with a hint of sarcasm in my words. "It is okay if you don't wanna tell us. It is not like we are your bestest friends...I mean I thought we might atleast be your friends. But you clearly don't see us as one. Sorry for over stepping our boundaries. Won't repeat it" I said giving Beam a wink hinting my plan. "I agree. I am sorry too" Beam added catching on to my act.

I could see the red color getting replaced by slight white on Kit's face. Guess my plan is working. "Pha~~~Beam~~~...don't say guys know are my only friends here....even though we might not have known each other for long time, you guys know that I consider you as my real brothers....why are you saying such words..."

"Then tell us...who is he? he a stalker? Did he hurt you?....should we beat him up for you?....but I must say he is handsome as heck!!" Beam fire Kit with question after question.

I could see red color reappearing on his face at Beam's last remark. Okay!!it is definitely not a crush.

"He is Ming...Mingkwan. He is my brother's bestfriend. His classmate to be exact. We know each other from our childhood. He....he... likes me. He proposed to me before our college started...." Kit blushed like crazy and stuttered.

" Kit....that's awesome. Did you say yes? Is he your boyfriend now?" Beam asked excitedly but he added on with with a question mark on his face "then why did you behave like he is some sort of a crazy stalker of yours. Like you wanna get away from him or something"

"That.....that...." Kit stuttered again. "Stop increasing our curiosity and tell us na Kit" even I am curious about the guy.

"I don't know...he is a boy and he is my brother's friend...he is just...he is just....too cheesy and sweet to me all the times....but he flirts with almost everyone like that and I might have done some embarrassing things in front of him in the past...." Kit said  particularly the last part in almost a whisper.

" are rejecting him because he is lovey-dovey with you and that your image in front of him might be embarrassing??....I don't get his logic Pha...should we beat some sense into his thick head??" Beam asked me pointing at Kit.

"No..not because of that....I know he is really handsome and tall and is everyone's dream guy that the number of  confessions he get in school and outside in a single day is more than I ever got in my life....all which he barely rejects clearly. I don't want to be just one among those people guys...I mean even I have my pride to keep" Kit said with a sad smile.

"Oh my god!!!! you really really really like back, don't you? really like him to such an extent that you don't want to be considered among his other admirers. Is that why you are playing hard to get?? Is that it, Kit?" I asked him seriously.

"I don't want to be heartbroken Pha~. I might be one among those to him, but he is like my only one right now!! So it might be best if I just ignore him and protect myself from a heartbreak" Kit said with a gloomy expression.

"I still don't get it!!! The guy followed you till our college and ordered your favourite food and drink just because he saw you running and panting. He saw you and only you there in the canteen, clearly had hearts in his eyes when he talked to you. I mean he didn't even notice a much more handsome man like me near you!!" Beam said, more annoyed at the fact that he was not acknowledged.

"Shut up Beam!!!" We both tell him.

"Kit, even I feel that the guy is not playing with you. Considering the facts that he already knows you, your family and is even best friend with your brother who in their right mind would dare to play with someone they really know. What if he is really serious about you and you are just wasting your time reconsidering and thinking about unnecessary concerns...won't you be missing out on the time you could have had together? Think about it." I can only give him a reassuring smile and advice, it is him who have to make up his mind.

"Kit!! To be loved back by our loved ones is a luxury that not everybody gets. Some  of us can only hope to find our loved ones in our dreams because we might never meet them again. They might not even know of our existence. So you have to celebrate whatever time you  have together with your loved ones instead of worrying about nothings" Beam added on to my advice clutching to his necklace.

I could see Beam getting teary. Kit gave me a concerned gaze pointing at Beam. I patted on his shoulder and he just smiled and hugged Kit. I know the necklace holds some special value in his life. I have heard him say that it is his solace in this entire world. He had that necklace from the time of his accident. At first I thought it belonged to aunty or uncle. But he told me it belongs to someone angel.

He just smiles whenever I ask about its real owner. But from his speech right now I can surely conclude, that person holds much important place in Beam's heart. He might even love that person to the moon and back. Even though I cannot clearly understand what he said, did he mean that the other person doesn't know about his existence? That he has been in an unrequited love for 3 years?

What started as us teasing Kit right now became an eerie mood. We can only finish our food fastly and get back to our own dorms to sleep on these thoughts.

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