Chapter 3

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Beam's PoV

It is only fourth day and we are having classes after classes. I am exhausted. But we get leaves from tomorrow onwards for the preparation of 'Freshy Day'. We were asked to participate in the events and bring glory to our faculty. What a joke!!!

Pha has been cornered into participating in the University Star and Moon competition. Hahaaa!!!... he deserves it. Even though he hates such petty contests I think he is dying to show off!! I mean you should have seen that narcissistic personality of his when it was announced that he was gonna be representing our faculty as the Moon. He knows that he is handsome and he knows that there are only one or two people who can defeat him in looks. I love to see him win, but I think I would be nice if somebody else wins for once. But chances of the latter happening is zero to none.

Since classes are suspended, Pha dragged us to the auditorium where the Star and Moon competition practise is taking place. We were walking towards the place after having lunch from pretty mamma when we see an accident happening right infront of us. Two cars colliding and one of it overturning. All those happened in split seconds. I can feel my head getting dizzy... I must have stopped taking in breaths..... I think I am starting to hyperventilate.....

After that incident, fire or accidents or even rain act as some of my triggers. I end up loosing myself to those. Pathetic!!

Everything just turns into a blur. I can only hear faint noises from Pha and Kit...  trying to say something to me. From their voice I can understand they are really terrified. I cannot sense anything else. I can faintly see Pha bringing a paper bag from somewhere. I start to breath in and breath out. I know this will help me to calm down.

I can hear Pha on the phone arguing with someone about not coming for practice. The other person must be scolding him for for being late. I know he doesn't want to leave me alone right now. Seriously I need him right now.... but I don't want to be selfish. I know he is looking forward for all those. I turned to him and composed myself, "Pha drop me in my dorm, I ll take a nap. Come find me after the practise".

"I don't care about the fucking competition Beam!!" Pha retorted. I know he is serious. He is giving me priority over his likes and duties. This is what I love about him. He can be a narcissist and selfish to others but he is always selfless for me.  Hell..... I want to see him win this competition. I can try and compose myself better for him... "Pha~~~ go na.." I whined.

At last he listened and took me to my dorm in his car. He parked the car and helped me get out from the back seat. He and Kit supported me to my room. I opened the door and crawled on my bed. I know he still won't leave for the practise.

"Pha, go back to the practise hall and do your moon thing. I ll be okay here. I ll just take a nap" I told him. "To hell with the competition Beam!! I am not leaving you" Pha replied angrily.

"Kit, drag Pha to the auditorium and be there with him during practise. I don't think he is in his right mind right now.  Please" I begged Kit.

"Pha, let him sleep, that is what he needs.  Right now we are just disturbing him. Come on we will go to the practise hall for now and will beeline here with his dinner after the practice. The whole faculty has put their trust on you and you can't just not unsee that and do as you please. Come, you are already late. I ll go with you" Wow... Kit can preach... the message is real clear.

"I know you are upset Pha, but don't get into trouble for me. This affects the reputation of our faculty. Listen to Kit. Go there and practice. I ll just sleep, I won't do anything else" I promised to him.

Pha lets out a defeated sigh and walked out of the room with Kit closing the door after them.

I slumped on the bed letting the tears out of my eyes dropping the mask that I kept up for Pha. I know it has been a long time and I know these things shouldn't affect me to this extent even after all those therapies and stuff.

It has been 3 years!!! Three long effing years and I am still stuck there itself more like back to square one. I can only cry myself, cooping up inside my comforter clutching the necklace with my hand trying to draw some kind of solace from it.

I don't know when I dozed off, I only woke up when Pha and Kit reappeared with food for me in the evening.

One look from Pha and I can tell he is gonna yell at me for crying. I give him a weak smile. "Really Beam!!! now you have started to hide things and act all mighty and strong in front of me?"

"You really look like my dad scolding me now Pha" I teared up at the recollection of some memories of my father. Pha and Kit ran towards my bed and gave me a tight hug. I let myself go and cried to my heart's will. I need this.

I know Kit doesn't know anything but he is still here trying to ease up and comfort me in this situation. He deserves to know.

"I am sorry Kit, I come with a lot of baggage. I know you didn't sign up for this. I am sorry you had to see me at my worst" I said crying onto his shoulder.

"No Beam, I don't care about all these. I only care about you. I am gonna be here for you everyday, right next to you so that, this doesn't happen again and you don't feel you are alone even if it happens a next time " he cupped my face and told me gently.

I can see him and Pha tearing up. I nod to Pha, "Pha tell him about me when I am not around. And Kit I don't need your pity. Just be your sassy kind of self with me"  I grinned and Kit lets out a laugh. "Thattaboy!!" Pha joined.

"Enough with the crying!! Come on eat something cause I am hungry as hell" I know Kit is trying to disperse the situation. I nod.

"What is for dinner?" I asked. "Your favourite Tom Yum" Pha replied as he arranged the take out in 3 plates.

We have dinner in peace, nobody is trying to unnecessarily break the comfort of silence that we have.

"So, how was the practice, will you win?" I asked them. I can see Pha's eyes are twinkling!! I knew he wanted to share this with me and was holding back because of my mood!! Silly me, why didn't I notice it before.

"You know Beam, it is totally amazing, there are lots of good looking guys and girls around me and I get to sing and dance and flirt with them..... boy!! I am so happy" I can only laugh at his report.

"So is there anyone who gives you a serious competition? Oh... did you find anyone interesting there??" I asked him enthusiastically.
"Hmm.... let's see!!!.... there is this one guy who kinda can be said to be near my level, though he is not on the same level  as me obviously" Pha said with a smirk on his face and pride in his voice.

"Not the same level, my ass!! he is drool worthy you idiot. I would say he is your same level and even slightly better!! One can definitely tell it is gonna be between you two guys. It is either you or him you proud idiot." Kit mocked him and said. "Oh.. I am betting it that he is gonna win one or both the titles from you".

"Kit!!!!! how can you say that, you moron. You are supposed to be my friend!! You are supposed to bet on me and support me" Pha whined and gave a pout.

This is interesting. A whining Pha means there is something in what Kit said. I am gonna believe this person that Kit is talking about is seriously a competition for Pha. I gotta see him.

"Oooo... Pha I wanna see the person who makes the Great Phana all whiny and pouty, you know what, I ll come with you to see him during practise" I told him excitedly.

"Beam!! not you too I can't have both my friends drooling over some other guy..... you know what! You both are prohibited to be near the practise hall from now on. I forbid both of you from coming within a meter of the hall."

"Hahaaahh.." laughter of mine and Kit filled the room that was filled with sadness an hour back.

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