Chapter 16

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Beam's POV

Sun shined through the hospital windows making the previously pale room bright.

I opened my eyes to look at the man sleeping beside me. My head was on his chest and he had both of his arms around me holding me tight. Just as if he is afraid to let me go!

All this brought immense happiness and joy to me that I am afraid that this will all turn out to be just a dream. If it is a dream I never wanna wake up again.

This is bliss. This felt pure. And how I wish that I could wake up to this view for the rest of my life.

I love him. Irrevocably. Unconditionally. Period.

I feel like a teenage girl all of a sudden, to see my never ending crush sleeping beside me. All giddy and happy that he finally noticed me.

He is breathtakingly handsome but I am never gonna say that to his face. Let's face it, this man is extremely arrogant and one word from me about this and his prideful ego is gonna shoot upto a new height. But all this.... especially him was enough to bring a smile to my face.

I lifted my hands to his face, I just wanted to touch him... Feel him... I traced on his gorgeous face with my finger tips, drawing a round on his eyes, pinching his nose and finally touching his lips. Am I a pervert for suddenly wanting to kiss him hard!

"I ll melt if you stare anymore, Beam!", Forth said startling me. I pulled my hand back.

Oh god! he was awake, this stupid idiot was awake and he was letting me do all this the whole time.

Forth opened his eyes pulling me into them. I found myself blushing and captivated by him. We are so close... almost at eye to eye level, our noses almost touching. His warm breath on my face.

I could feel myself getting hot all over and I tried to pull away only to be pulled back into his chest.

I bump my head on his hard bones and he just laughs?..what the hell!!

And he is pulling my legs first thing in the morning!!

He suddenly pushed my hands which I was using to massage my forehead, away from my face and started blowing on my forehead where it bumped.

Shit! What is he doing blowing on my face! I can feel my blush spreading all over me. I am gonna be a mess at this rate.

"My god you are cute! How am I supposed to control myself at this rate, huh?", Forth exclaimed pulling me closer. He kissed me.

He. Kissed. Me. On. My. Lips.

I was stunned for a moment and was not able to think anything.

"Beam, I will seem like a pervert who took advantage of you if you don't kiss me back", he said shamelessly.

I hit him on his chest only to be grabbed on by the wrist. He locked my hand in his and pulled me for another kiss.

"Kiss me Beam", his sincere and earnest look pulled me out of my thoughts and I found myself reciprocating the kiss.

I had my arms latched on his shoulders fisting on his shirt. He was nipping and sucking on my lips and tugging on it for an opening. Fighting for dominance. I was not gonna grant him the entrance and smirked on his lips.

He widened his eyes feeling the challenge. And he brought his hands which was on my nape slowly downwards towards my butt an pinched it.

I gasped suddenly giving him the opening he wanted. I cannot believe he did that!

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