Chapter 4

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Beam's PoV

I can see it in the air of the university, this Moon and Star competition is a big thing. Everyone everywhere is talking about it. Thank God that I am not a part of it. I can see Pha getting stressed about it. Something about showcasing talent.
I wonder what he is gonna do. The guy is really handsome but he is dumb in some areas. He really can't dance well but is an okay singer.

I really really wanna show up at the practise hall, but I can't. Pha has forbidden me to do so. Aghhh!!!.... I am having a lotta free time right now cause the evening classes are cancelled due to the preparation for the Freshy day. But I have nothing to do.

Kit has gone somewhere without telling me. I tried to call him on the phone but his phone is switched off. I wonder if Pha knows his whereabouts. I am sitting on the benches in front of the practise hall. There is some kinda song playing inside. I really wanna go inside and see the practise. Should I just really go inside...... maybe not, Pha will really kill me. Maybe I will revise something from the earlier classes today. But I really really really wanna see that other moon who is really giving Pha a run for his money. I didn't get an opportunity to see him untill now. According to Kit, he is a Greek God. It would be really funny if Pha loses to him.

I am hungry. Maybe I ll go get something to eat and drink. Pha has given me clear instructions to not go anywhere from the here. We will go back together later after dinner. But I guess it is okay if I get something quick to snack, there is another hour more untill he will be back. The engineering canteen is near. I make a mental note to be back soon as soon as possible to avoid an angry phana.

Wohh..... engineering canteen is really different from the medicine one. People here are so.... so.... disorganised and casual?! You can clearly see the difference. It is chaos everywhere. People are eating talking walking laughing and fighting at the same time....???... one thing that I can notice for sure is that all are pros at multitasking.

What the hell, none of them seems to be wearing uniform. They are in their jeans and shirt which is not buttoned over black tees. I can see blue and red shirts. Oh ..some are wearing uniform but only one or two....Rules seem to be soo different for them.

Another drastic difference from the usually quiet medical canteen is that no one is here with books or revision sheets for that matter whereas the benches there must be filled with books and revision sheets of students who are trying to study even while having food. Hmm...

The moment I step into the canteen, I can feel the place has quieted down by a bit?? Ooo... people are staring at me. I clearly feel out of place ....I mean I know they must be thinking that an alien has come to their canteen seeing me entering in clean full uniform and polished shoes and all that, contrary to their tight fit jeans and shirts.

This is awkward. I don't want to cause a commotion. I wanna get out of here after a quick bite. I quickly walked towards the food stalls to look for something to order. I found them selling hotdog in the first stall. I ll have to put up with this for now. I ordered a caramel macchiato and hotdog and quickly walked back to the benches in the corner away from the center of attention to wait for my order to be delivered.

I found my phone ringing. I can see kit is  calling. He must be back after completing his errand. "I am at the engineering canteen near the practice hall for a quick bite. Come here". I told him without giving him an opportunity to speak and then cut the call and placed my phone back into my pocket and took out my revision sheets. Maybe I ll give them a good read as a distraction until Kit comes.

I get my order and after about 5 minutes I can see Kit running into the canteen and sitting opposite me. He is panting. He has once again garned the attention of others "What the hell is wrong with you! Why are you running and then panting like a dog??"

"Damn... Beam give me your drink I am thirsty" Kit snatched my drink and gulped it down in seconds. There goes my drink. God why can't I get normal people as my friends, was one idiot not enough that I had to find one more. I can only shake my head in despair.

"So...where did you go?" I asked him. "Grhhggg!!!! Don't ask!!! I had to go and drop my stupid brother in the airport. He is going on a trip to Japan. And on the way I met an annoying person who clearly was hitting on me. So...I ran here. End of story" he explained.... again snatching my hotdog. What!!!! but I snatched it back. "Go get your own" I said  hissing. He pouts. I can hear gasps of other people. Oh my god...does he not know he is so cute..he is clearly oblivious to the attention he is getting.

Then a plate of hotdog and iced latte is kept on our table as I was trying to observe my surroundings. "Sorry we didn't order this. You must have mixed up the order" I politely explained to the stall lady. She smiled and said, "someone ordered for him" pointing at Kit. "Wahh....way to go kitty first time in engineering canteen and you have got an admirer already" I laugh hysterically seeing him crimson red. I didn't know a pout from him could get him meals this easily and this quickly.

The lady pointed to a very handsome tall guy in jeans and white tees. Kit becomes more red. "He is the guy that I was running away from... help me hide Beam" he said trying to keep his head hidden in between his hands on table. "Hahhahhaa...he already saw you idiot that's why your food is on our table..." I laughed and explained it to him.

The guy comes near us and looked at Kit with a loving gaze. "Hi P'Kit" he smiles. Oh...they are on first name basis, what did I miss!! "I ordered your favourites, eat this and drink it. You have lost some weight P. I don't understand why you always run away when you clearly know I will come after you. Don't run anymore" he is still looking at Kit who is hiding under his arms.

Okay stalker alert, but I am not picking up any "creepy" signals from this guy. He looks ....decent??.... Who is this?? And why the heck is Kit acting like a blushing high school girl??!!

"Hello, my name is Beam, who are you? And why are you making him uncomfortable?" I asked him keeping a stern face. He returns me a surprised expression.

"Oo...sorry didn't see you there P. I am Ming....Mingkwan. I am P'Kit's junior from high school" What!!!! the audacity of this guy to say that he didn't see me to my face. How dare he say that to my face. I grit my teeth at him.

But wait a minute!!!did he just say that he is Kit's junior?? Then what the hell is he doing here in college. And what is Kit doing. I mean he is blushing like crazy. Oo...I get it. There is more to what meets the eyes. They are clearly more than "friends". I can definitely see it the guy's eyes.

"Kit, do you need a minute to talk to him? I ll go and order something else for me." I said  standing up."Don't you dare leave me alone with this guy Beam. I am coming with you. Let's leave." Kit suddenly stood up. OK....what the hell?? he then started walking towards the exit.

"P'Kit..let's talk na na.....??" The guys is clearly pleading taking Kit's palm in his. This is interesting......but what's wrong with Kit. I am not getting the clear scene here. I can practically see hearts in the guy's eyes. Pha should definitely see this.

Hmm....I have to definitely ask Kit about this but let's save him for now. "Sorry bro" I gave the guy a pat on his shoulder and walked to Kit "let's go". He just stood there staring at Kit's back when I turned around to see him.

"Is he your boyfriend or something? Wanna explain it to me orr....maybe to Pha??" I asked Kit earning a glare from him. "Not now" he then replied shyly turning red again.

Wow..... Kit is displaying all shades of red today. This is gonna get real interesting. in college is definitely good.

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