(Blaise x Reader) Draco's Advice

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edit - ship warning: drarry

Get this.

I'm crying my eyes out in a stall of Myrtle's restroom (thank god she's not here), and guess who comes in?

Fucking Zabini.

The reason I was crying in the first place.


I don't reply. I work on stifling my sobs.

"Draco, I can hear you. Is Myrtle there too? Myrtle, can you bring him out?"

Still, I say nothing. I'm more silent now though. He comes in and looks at the stalls. I mentally cuss at myself for not closing the other doors. He knocks on mine.

"Draco, let me in?"

I take out my wand and whisper colloportus. He can't open it. He sighs.

"You know I'm here for you right?"

From below the door, I see him sit on the floor.

"I've always been there for you. Mate, are you really just gonna shut yourself there? Well, I have a problem too."

I imagine him running his hands through his hair, the same way he does when he's stressed. I see his face is in his hands, and his words come out a little muffled but still understandable.

"It's not working. The way you go on with Potter—it doesn't work on Y/n. (S)he comes up with these snide remarks but nothing else. The fake girlfriend thing didn't work either, and I almost kissed Greg. (S)he left by then. (S)he didn't say or do anything. You made it work with Potter, so how do I make it work?"

I was speechless. That girl was Goyle. I sniffed and unlocked the door. I got out and found a crying Blaise. He wasn't looking at me, and I'm pretty sure his vision was blurred with tears.

"Draco, how do I make it work?"

I sat next to him and put my arms around him. He realised it was me when I did.

"It's already working."

I put my hands on his cheeks to wipe away his tears. He laughed and went on to kiss me. It was a bit wet from his tears, but his lips were soft.

When we pulled away, I leaned into him, his arm moving to rest on my shoulder.

"I'm never taking advice from Draco again."

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