(Draco x Reader) Sorry

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Sixth year.

Y/n's POV

After Care for Magical Creatures, I had lunch. I bumped into Malfoy while going to the Great Hall and fell on my butt. He turned around with his goons with a snarl, but his face softened when his eyes met mine.

"Oh sorry," he said then lent me a hand.

My eyes went big, but I took his hand. When, I got up, I just stared for a moment not even letting go of his hand. People coming from the same class as mine stopped and watched the scene unfold.

"Is something wrong?" he asked and looked around.

I scoffed, "I could ask the same."

"I'm fine, but you don't seem to be. Your grip's awfully strong," he said with a raised brow.

I blushed and let go.

"So what's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm- I'm a muggleborn," I said.

"And?" he asked.

"And- and you're Malfoy!" I exclaimed.

"Is there something you're seeing I'm not?" he asked confused.

"I'm- I'm friends with 'Saint Potter'! You called 'Mione a- a mudblood with such ease, and you're apologising to me," I said in utter awe.

It was his turn to blush. He flinched away from me as if only realising what he's done. He took out his wand and pointed at me, shaking.

"Everyone, go," he commanded.

They all went but were probably going to tell everyone else what happened. I smirked at him, and he looked at me in fear even though my own wand wasn't out.

"Oi Malfoy, you have a spider on your head," I said, and he ran around screaming for Crabbe and Goyle to get it off.

I stifled a laugh and went to the Great Hall to meet the Trio. No, I ran to them. I started before anyone could say anything.

"Okokok so, I was coming back from Care for Magical Creatures which you guys suck for not taking, and I bumped into Malfoy," I grinned widely.

"We heard!" Ron smiled. "What happened then? You hexed him?"

"Oh nah. Told him he had a spider on his head and made a run for you guys," I shrugged sad I wasn't able to say anything myself.

I just sat down and took some food to myself.

"His hand's soft," I said at one point.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Well, Malfoy has a girly hand," I covered and laughed.

The rest of them did too.

"Slim and tiny. So you know what that says about the rest of him," I said, and everyone laughed harder.

I looked over at the Slytherin table. Malfoy was looking at me. I winked and smirked as he blushed and looked away.

"Do you think Malfoy has a thing for Y/n?" 'Mione asked.

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