(Hermione x Reader) Ruin My Night

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edit - ship warning: drarry

"Ow!" I whisper shout as someone steps on me.

"Merlin, who are you? What are you doing?" Granger scolds.

I scoff, "It's L/n, you dunce. What does it look like?"

I'm sitting in a dark corner of the restricted section of the library as the perfect prefect comes in to ruin my night. She's pretty and smart and all, but oh who am I kidding? I'm happy to see her.

"I don't know what you're doing past curfew! There's no light!" she exclaims.

"I'm reading," I say in a matter-of-fact tone.

"How?" she asks.

She yelps as I pull her down to sit next to me.

"I can see everything perfectly?" she says and looks around.

"Advanced charm," I say, "So what's miss prefect doing at the restricted section past curfew?"

"I- I-" she stutters.

"I- I-" I mock, "Out with it Granger."

"I couldn't sleep," she says.

I shrug then turn back to my book. I could tell she was looking over from time to time, and I couldn't focus.

"Do you need something?" I ask frustratedly turning to Granger.

She's looking down at the book in my hands and doesn't seem to hear me. I turn the book a bit, so she could see better, and I swear I saw a smile. I internally roll my eyes as I smile as well and turn back to the book.

Soon, I feel a weight on my shoulder. I shake Hermione softly, but she doesn't wake up. I guess I can't leave her here. I cast a levitation charm on her as I go back to my dorm room.

I wake up in someone's arms. I don't know who it is, but I don't care since it's comfortable and a Saturday. I fall back asleep. At least, I try when the person starts shifting.

I yawn then look up. I'm remembering the night before. It's Hermione. She's cute even with bedhead.

"Morning, sunshine," I tease.

She rolls her eyes but smiles pulling me closer.

"Someone's happy to be here," I say and shuffle closer into her hold.

"Yeah you," she remarks. "Can I tell you something?"

I look up and nod.

"Y/n, I think I like you," she says.

My heart skips a beat, but I don't want to mistake it for her meaning something else.

"Then let's be friends?" I offer.

"Well, no, you see I like you the way Harry likes Malfoy," she says.

"I like you too, but I'm not ready to do what they do," I laugh. "I've walked in on them several times."

"Oh merlin no. Well," she says.

"What? Then you're my girlfriend," I say happily.

I reach up to kiss her then go back to the position earlier. I'm glad she ruined my night.

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