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[ author: I am flipping out over this. Thanks to everyone who stuck out through this book and the people who are discovering it! You guys are great! :) ]

Y/n's POV (Thursday - 10:00)

I have my head on my desk not processing a thing Professor Snape is saying. I don't care if he catches me like this though. I'm smart, and he's biased.


My head snaps up, and I look at the board.

Draught of Peace

1. Add powdered moonstone until the potion turns green.

2. Stir until the potion turns blue.

3. Add powdered moonstone until the potion turns purple.

4. Allow to simmer until the potion turns pink.

5. Add syrup of hellebore until the potion turns turquoise.

6. Allow to simmer until the potion turns purple.

7. Shake powdered porcupine quills vigorously until they are ready and then add until the potion turns red.

8. Stir until the potion turns orange.

9. Add more porcupine quills until the potion turns turquoise.

10. Allow to simmer till the potion turns purple.

11. Add powdered unicorn horn until the potion turns pink.

12. Stir until the potion turns red.

13. Allow to simmer until the potion turns purple.

14. Add more powdered moonstone until the potion turns grey.

15. Allow the potion to simmer until it turns orange.

16. Add more powdered porcupine quills until the potion turns white. Stirring.

17. Simmering lowers heat. Add exactly 7 drops of hellebore.

I scoff. It's nothing I haven't done before. I'm always filled with anxiety, and it's reached a point where sometimes, I'm embarrassed to ask for any from Madam Pomfrey.

I have a bit of a different and faster version though. I decide to make it from memory. When I finish, I raise my hand.

"Yes L/n?" Professor asks with slight amusement in his voice.

"I've finished," I smirked.

"You haven't used up all 90 minutes," he says playing the game he knows I am.

"It's emitting the silvery vapour it's supposed to, and I'm sure it'll have the same effects," I go on.

I fill up a vial and hand it over to Professor Snape.

"Fred Weasley," he calls and gestures the Gryffindor to drink it.

Maybe, I don't like this part, but it lifts my grades. Fred takes the potion and puts it to his lips, his hands shaky, but as soon as he takes it all in, he's cured of all anxiety.

"O," Professor says, an incredibly small smile playing on his lips.

The rest of the class roll their eyes and groan knowing I've made it harder for them to reach the professor's expectations. I simply laugh and put my head down on the table until it's time for my next class.

Behind me, someone stops me in the hallway with a binding curse.

"What is it Weasleys?" I asked annoyed.

"You did that on purpose!" Fred shouts.

"Better apologise," George goes on.

I laugh, "But I saw you relax. C'mon Freddie, it worked."

"Shut up. Our mum's going to kill us," he says.

"You love me or at least my potion. Admit it," I say not bothering to get myself out of the situation.

"So what if I did? You're terrible!" he said.

I hear George ask in a whisper, "Freddie, do you know what you said?"

Suddenly, I'm free. I smirk at myself then turn around with no expression. The twins are frozen. I walk slowly towards them then envelope Fred in a kiss, him returning it immediately.

When I pull away, he says, "But I'm George!"

"That doesn't work on me," I laugh.

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