Delinquent academy - 23

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"Right time to run away to Mexico and change my name to Pablo" I said

"No you're coming with me" Jared said grabbing my arm

"Bye Gabriel". I said leaving before he dragged me into my room

"You can't trust anyone"

"What do you mean"

"Gabriel. You can't trust him"

"And why's that"

"Why is he so calm about the note COVERED IN BLOOD he definitely put it there" he said

"He was with me the whole time so I doubt he done anything" I said

"Just stop seeing him until we find out who the fuck is doing this" he said

"What are we going to do" I said

"Call your friend I'm going to the principle stay in the room" he said and I nodded and called Trevor

"What's wrong"

"Another note, covered in blood" I said

"I'm coming, get the principle we're doing a test" he said and hung up and minutes later the principle walked in

"This is getting out of hand" he said and a few minutes later liane and Trevor walked in with a cotton buds and swiped off a bit of the blood and put it in a little bottle and gave it to a guy behind them

"We've dome everything, increased security, even got the school on lock down how the hell does this person keep doing this" he said and I held my head in my hands

"We can't do anything they haven't done anything physically except leave empty threats" I said

"You don't know they won't do anything" Trevor said

"DNA test will come in about an hour until Rosie you are staying in this room" liane said and I nodded

"Me and Trevor will be downstairs" she said

"I'll go close the gates and the doors" the principle said

"I'm going toilet" Jared

And then there was one

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I got up thinking it was the principle and felt a cloth tightly being placed on my face

"Shhh shhh baby girl"

Fighting became tiring and drowsiness came over me and I fell right into their arms

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