Delinquent Academy - 3

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The guys made jokes and tried to cheer me up but soon the captain came back in and sat me in her car

"They're nice people" she said

"Okay" I said and she sat me in with my new foster parents and she walked back in and they drove off

"Hi my names Stephanie and he's my husband Dan". They said

"Hi I'm Rosie". I said quietly and they smiled

"At least you're speaking, are you hungry?" She asked and I shook my head and just looked down

"She's quiet". I heard and just looked out the window and in no time they pulled up to a really nice house

"Come on " she said and I got out of the car and they lead me into their house

"Your rooms upstairs 2nd door on the right" she said and I nodded and headed upstairs and as I walked up I saw a guy walk out in a towel

Holy fuck

"You must be my new foster sister I'm Cody" he said

"Rosie" I said and walked past him

Damn him and his curly hair

I walked into my room and it was so clean like what the fuck

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and washed my face

I heard my door open and I opened the toilet door to see Stephanie

"Hey we didn't get any clothes from you so I thought I'd give u some of mine. Change into then it's time for some dinner" she said and I nodded and she left

She gave me a shirt and some joggers that I slipped on and tied the bottom of my shirt because it was too long

I tied my hair up and walked downstairs and as I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Cody setting up the table and he looked at me

"Hey wanna help" he asked and I walked towards him and placed out the plates and the glasses

Stephanie brought out the food with dan and we all sat down and started eating

"So Rosie how'd you like it" Stephanie asked

"I like it, it's really welcoming thank you guys". I said

"How'd you get into the Foster system anyway". Dan said and my body tensed up and that night replayed in my head

It was like a cycle of pain

As you reach the end you feel like it might get better and then the pain hits you again

"I wasn't" I said

"So what happened to your parents"

Do these people never get told anything

I left the table and headed upstairs into my room and sat on the floor and tears welled up In my eyes and I started crying

"Why'd you leave me". I said sobbing through my tears

I felt anger
I felt like punching the wall
I felt like killing the person who done this to me

I heard my door opened and arms wrapped around me

"Hey it's okay I'm so sorry about dan he's a bit pushy sometimes". It was Cody and he hugged me tight

I didn't want him to let go

It was the only bit of comfort I felt after so long

He stayed hugging me until I stopped crying and he looked at me

"It's okay" he said

"My parents... they got killed yesterday". I said and he was left shocked

"Hey come on now lie down for Me" he said and put me in my bed and closed the blinds

"Go to sleep you're sleep deprived ". He said and sat by me until I fell asleep but as I said

The cycle of pain is never ending

I relived that night again my dream

And I woke up screaming

Stephanie ran into my room and held me in her arms whereas dan looked at me crazy

He had the phone to his ear and 20 minuted later Brandon and Trevor were here to pick me up

"What's going on" I said

"We do not wish to have a psycho living with us take her to an asylum" he yelled and slammed the door in my face

What a prick

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