Delinquent academy - 6

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"Excuse me ". I said turning around and saw a male figure leaning against the wall smoking

As he walked towards me I slowly backed up until I could see his face from the moon light

Lord Jesus

His jawline was so defined it could cut diamonds and his eyes pierced into my soul

"Huh you're the new one" he said

"Why are you here, did your parents not give a shit or were they abusive". He said

What the fuck

"None of your business" I said and his eyes sort of widened for a spilt second at the aggressiveness at my comeback

"Well well feisty". He said

He started walking towards me and I slowly backed away until I hit the wall and I he walked towards me, his hands caging me in and he leaned down to my neck and his hot breath warmed a little spot on it

Oh shit

"See you around feisty". He said and walked off and just then I heard loud footsteps


Oh shit

I didn't even think and jumped over the balcony and grabbed onto a ladder and went into the first open window I saw

"Whose there". I heard a British accent

"Answer me whose there". They said getting impatient

"Um Rosie Lewis" I said

"And what are you doing here". He said

"I got kinds of lost I'm new". I said

"Hurry and leave and I won't tell anyone I saw you". He said

He didn't even see me

I ran out of his room and quickly ran back to my door and had a sigh of relief when I closed the door

Suddenly I saw a note on my bed

I walked towards it and it had my name written messy on the front with a bloody fingerprint on it

I flipped it over and chills ran down my spine


They're here ...

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