Delinquent academy - 20

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"Done checking me out". He said

Nope not really

"I wasn't". I said turning around and I swear my stomach felt butterflies and he laughed and made his way to his bed

"So anything else you need help with". I said and he shook his head

"I'll be on my way then" I said grabbing an Oreo before leaving

"Wait". He said and I turned around

"What". I said

"I'm bored" he said

"Aren't we all" I said and he chuckled

"Stay for a bit" he said and I closed the door and sat on his bed

"You know I might have not known for you for long but you're literally the only person in this whole school that actually might get me". He said

"What do you mean get you". I said

"You know like doesn't judge too quickly". He said

"I don't judge without a reason". I said and realised it was almost 7pm

Almost time to go get Jared

"What are you playing at" I said

"Nothing just never met someone like you" he said and I smiled

"Right so we still didn't finish off our movie" I said and he laughed and took out his laptop and we finished it off

Soon I started feeling drowsy and I laid my head on his shoulder and soon fell asleep


I jolted up hitting my head on Gabriel's and realised his phone was ringing

"Sorry it's my mum" he said and answered it and I rubbed my head and I realised it was half 11

Shit I gotta go

"Okay bye mom". He said and I took my phone shoving it in my pocket and got up

"Sorry I didn't mean for that to happen" he said

"It's okay don't worry I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow yeah". I said and I saw he was shirtless

Rosie turn your ass around and go

"Yeah bye". He said and he followed me to the door and I just admired his face for a second before walking to my dorm

I got inside turning the light on and changed into some joggers and put on a hoodie

I locked the door, putting the chain on and leaving my lamp on before planning a way to get downstairs without dying or getting caught

Just jump, you'd probably break a leg

No biggie

Ok very big biggie

I sighed before realising there was a ladder next to the pipe

I put my hood and I climbed down it and when I reached for the floor unlocking my car

"Huh I swear that was a car" I heard

Shit shit shit

"It's probably outside you do realise we're not in the middle of no where there's a town centre around the corner". Someone else said

"But at this time"

"Dude stop questioning it,  it's probably nothing"

"Yeah you're right let's go inside I want food".

Okay Rosie run and don't look back

I made a run for my car and opened the door sitting inside for a few minutes

Then I realised no one saw me and raced out of the parking lot

Wait where the hell does this boy live

I pulled over and messaged him

Where'd you live ?

108 avenue street

On my way!

I made a way for his house and pulled up to a fucking mansion

This guys house is the whole street

I'm outside - me

Coming - Jared

I pulled over to the side and I saw a dark figure making a run towards my car and when I saw it's face I unlocked the car and he got in

"DRIVE" He yelled and that's when I realised he had people running after him

I swerved to the side and sped forward into the middle of the town centre and then I parked my car outside of the school so no one would see us pulling in and we made our way back in through the ladder and into my room

I turned the lights on and he laid on his bed

"Thanks I owe you one"

"You do who were those guys". I asked

"Security" he said and I nodded taking off my hoodie and jumping into bed

"All nighter?" He asked

"Hell yeah" i said and he laughed and he turned on his laptop and we started watching lucifer and soon it was almost 2 am

Jared was wide awake just munching on food and I grabbed the bag off of him

"Stop eating so loudly damn". I said taking the bag off of him and he just looked at me

"How dare you take my food"

"Now it's mine now shh next episode" I said and he rolled his eyes and I laughed and soon light seeped in through the blinds and I woke up to see him snoring and Netflix asking if I'm still watching

I put the laptop away and pulled a blanket on Jared then fully closed the blinds and walked into the bathroom brushing my teeth and my hair then someone knocked on the door

I walked outside to see Jared still sleeping and I peeped through the hole to see some officers

Miss Rosie Lewis?"  They asked


"We need to ask you and Jared miller some questions about the murder of the Girl yesterday night"

(I don't remember his last name so I'm dealing with that if you do remember comment it and I'll change it)

And btw the person who said I've apparently stolen this book, I haven't so please take your negativity else where, thank you

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