Delinquent academy - 22

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"Hey what was that all about" he asked

"Nothing, she was just being stupid I guess"

"Stupid for running a check? what's going on" he said

"It was just because we were at the party and all that's it" I said and he nodded

"Do you wanna come in". He said

"Yeah sure". I said and he let me in

"Are you always awake early or is it just a special occasion" I asked

"Im awake whenever I can" he said

"So what you got planned for the day". I asked

"We can't leave so nothing" he said and I lightly laughed

"Do you wanna help me fully decorate this place up, you know put up some posters and maybe stock up some of my drawers and stuff, I mean if you want too". He said rubbing the back of his head

Aw he just wants to spend time

"Yeah sure I don't mind". I said making a move towards the box on the floor with posters sticking out of them

I stuck them on his wall leaving the other side blank since he has no roommate and he pulled out all the drawers and we started placing all is stuff in them and as I wasn't paying attention he grabbed my and started tickling me

"S-STOP  GAB-BR-IEL" i managed to say in between words as I kept laughing and managed to pull his hands off of me and I pulled him down and straddled him

"Stop" I said and his eyes widened

"What I was bored" he said

"I mean stacking up your drawers aren't fun so what do you wanna do" I said and he looked me up and down and I realised how I was sitting on him

I pulled my hair to the side and looked into his eyes before pulling myself off of him

"Netflix" he asked

"Yeah I'll be back I gotta go check on Jared god knows what he's doing". I said leaving his room

God what did I do in there

I walked into our room and saw him cuddled up into his bed sleeping

I closed the blinds and turned the lamp off, leaving a little note telling him I've gone to Gabriel's so he doesn't freak out when he wakes up

I grabbed some spray and sprayed my body and then changed into some leggings with a shirt on and put on my slides before making my way back to his room

"I ordered pizza I'm just hoping no one freaks out" he said

"I mean it's food they can't tell you to exactly starve to death" I said and he opened his laptop and we started watching the sinner

"It looks good" I said and he grabbed some snacks and we started watching


"That's probably the pizza" he said and I went and hid next to the door

"Why are you hiding"

"You don't exactly have a roommate and the guards don't know that" he said and opened the door

"Did you order food" a guard asked

"Yeah how much" he said opening his wallet

"23 dollars" he said And Gabriel gave him the money and he left giving him the pizza and he shut the door

"Finally some hot food" I said taking a slice to my mouth and was so happy that i finally had food that wasn't Doritos or instant noodles

After getting through the episodes there was another knock at the door

"Whose that now" I said and Gabriel opened the door and Jared ran in

"They came again" he said holding up a note that was covered in...


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