Delinquent academy - 13

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I got into the car straight away and locked the doors before calling Trevor

"Hey what's up" he said

"I got another note, not in the school I came out with a friend and it was stuck on his car. The person keeps finding Me". I said

"Okay okay hold on where are you". He said

"Mini golf place". I said

"I'm coming stay where you are who are you with". He asked

"Jared and Khalil they're inside and I went outside to get some water from jareds car and I saw the note stuck on his car". I said

"Oh your roommate Jared,  he knows about what happened that's why you're his roommate stay with him until I get there I'm coming with Brandon". He said

"I'm going inside". I said

"Good I'll be there in 10 minutes if you see anyone suspicious I mean anyone tell Jared, I'll have a look at the cameras as well". He said and I hung up and ran inside and I bumped into him

"Hey are you okay you look like you've just seen a ghost". He said and I gave him the note and he took it and he laughed

"Nothings gonna happen to me darling don't get so scared". He said

"They just keep finding me so easily". He said

"Don't worry about it look your friends here". He said and Trevor and Brandon came and I hugged them both and Brandon went to check for the cameras and Trevor looked at the note

He pulled out the other one that was in my dorm last week and put them together

"Either this persons handwriting is disabled or it's too different people.  Ones a girls hand writing and ones a guys". He said

"How can you tell". I asked

"Ones more bigger and scruffier no effort was put in the one that was on his car it was made to look scruffy because the letters have abrupt stops where the pen stopped indicating that this person was writing slow". He said

"Woah big man". Khalil said and he laughed

"Cameras are wiped, nothings there it's like on minute the note wasn't there and next minute it was.  It was tampered with". He said

"Stay with here okay". Trevor said to Jared

"Yeah I got you not letting anything happen to this teddy bear". He said and I laughed

"I'll call you later and remember call me if you see anyone suspicious". He said and I nodded and they left

"So do you lot wanna go back or still wanna play" Khalil asked

"I'm done to be honest Jared here doesn't know what it means by mini golf and hits the ball across the room,  it hit that little boy over there too". I said

"Hey I said sorry to him and I got him an ice cream" he said

"Okay let's go back I'll meet you guys in your dorm I kinda have to go pick up some food". He said and we nodded and got into his car

"Are you sure about that note,  that persons definitely threatening" I said

"Don't worry no ones touching me". He said while driving and I looked down

"Hey don't worry about it,  nothings happening to you now cheer up it's okay". He said

Maybe he's right

Delinquent Academy Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon