Delinquent academy - 9

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"Shit I'm so sorry I didn't know". He said sitting on my bed and hugging me

"It's fine". I said my voice starting to weaken

"How long has it been if you don't mind me asking". He asked

"3 days". I whispered and he hugged me tighter as my tears fell one by one

"Shhh". He said stroking my hair and rocking me back and forth and hugged me tighter

My arms reached around his waist and I hugged him back

"Thanks" I said getting up and going to the bathroom to go wash my face and looked at the state I was in

I walked back out and took my suitcase out to see what was inside and grabbed some leggings and a yellow shirt with some underwear and a bra and went back inside to take a shower

I took a quick shower and washed my hair and changed into my clothes throwing my old ones away into the hamper and walked out towel drying my hair and Jared looked at me

"What". I said

"Nothing yellow looks nice on you". He said and I smiled

"Thank you" i said

"Soo since no ones gonna be coming do you wanna get some real food like I don't know a Nando's sounds pretty good right now". He said and started tickling me

"Okay okay stop tickling me". I said after he got off of me and I slipped on some black flats and we left

"Where's your phone" he asked and I pulled it out of my pocket

"Ok good I didn't bring mine". He said and we started walking towards his car

"Hey Rosie". I heard and turned around to see Jenny

"I'll wait for you in my car". Jared said and I nodded and he left

"I see you getting close to pretty boy". She said

"We're roommates". I said

"OH MY GOD DETAILS " she said

"It's a long story we're going to eat but I'll tell you when I get back". I said and she nodded

"I'm going to Emily's so you might not hear from us until tomorrow so tell us then bye love you" she said walking off and I headed down to the parking lot and looked around for Jared

Right I don't know what his car looks like

I looked around like a lost puppy until I heard a honk and I saw Jared in his car laughing at me and I ran towards it

"You look cute when your lost". He said And I rolled my eyes and he backed out of the school and 10 minutes later we pulled up to a Nando's

"Go get us a table I'll park". He said and I walked in

"Hello table for two". I said and she grabbed two menus and sat me at a booth

"Thank you" I said and Jared walked in and started looking for me and then sat down

"So what do you want". He asked

"I already know what about you". I said

"The butterfly burger" he said

"Cool I'll go order". I said and got up and he gave me 20 dollars

"My treat". I said and walked to the counter and ordered mine and Jared's food with our drinks and I got us our drinks while he grabbed the sauces and soon our food came

"So is it good" he asked

"Nando's always is good". I said and he laughed

"That's also true". He said

"So then who enrolled you in". He asked

"The captain of the person whose taking my case" I said

"Oh shit you were that kid on the news". He said

"News?" I questioned

"Yeah they told us what happened on the news a few days ago I didn't know it was you". He said

"Now you do please don't tell anyone"' I said and he nodded

"Do you wanna go back or do something else". He said

"I'm so full I'm gonna fall ". I said and he laughed

"Okay lets get you back". He said and sat me in his car and we drove off back to school

I saw all the parents with their children, giving presents and hugging them

Funny how mine went in the space of half an hour

We got into our room and I went to my bed and  reached for my phone to see Brandon gave me 3 missed calls

I called him back

"Hey how come you weren't answering ". He said

"I went out to eat I didn't hear it sorry" I said

"Its fine leave the ringer on and did Trevor come" he ask

"Yeah dropped off some clothes and then went to talk to the principal and I think he's left" I said

"Okay I'll call you later I'm coming next week". He said and then I hung up

"So now what" I asked Jared and just then the door opened and a woman in her mid 40's walked in all fancy

"JARED HOW DARE YOU NOT COME VISIT YOUR BROTHER". she screamed and grabbed him by the collar

Oh lord Jesus

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