Delinquent academy - 15

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I headed back to my room to see Jared and Khalil feasting on food

"We ate like an hour ago damn you hungry again" I said and he laughed

"Yep, come on" they said and I sat on my bed, putting my phone on charging and taking a box of fries

"So what he say". They asked

"That I shouldn't have beaten her up no matter what she said and now I've got hall duty for a week but she was way worse" I said

"I don't get it though,  why bother being so rude and annoying it doesn't help with anything" Jared said

"Maybe she has family problems, people take out their anger they have from home on other people". I said

"I've met her family and her parents they're lovely, I've stayed over for weeks go on family vacations with her it's just she's the one with a high ego, her parents got her really expensive gold hoops and she just bluntly said no like they were prices of trash" Khalil said

"Oh well she took it too far with what she brought up" I said eating the fries and he looked at me

"What did she say". He said and I sighed

"It doesn't matter" I said and just then my phone rang and I answered it going outside

"Hey Trevor". I said

"There's nothing, cameras have caught nothing it's like the note just got there by itself, it just shows you coming out and the note was there, no one dropped it off it's like the person whose leaving them is a ghost". He said

"Now what do I do". I said

"Staying with Jared is your best option" he said

"Okay". I said

"And wait". He said


"Did my little sister get into a fighty fight". He said

"Yeah she did and beat her up". I said

"What happened anyway Brandon got the call by the way not me". He said

"Just said some stuff that she shouldn't have and I got mad" I said

"Don't beat up everyone that says some stupid stuff okay". He said and I laughed

"No promises". I said

"Okay and remember always stay with someone you're better in numbers and I have to go I'll call you later or tomorrow". He said And I hung up

I walked back in and they were smirking at me

"What now". I said

"Party" they asked

"No I'm sleepy". I said

"So is it okay if we go then". They asked

"You don't have to ask take your keys I'm not getting up to open the door and don't come back drunk off your asses". I said

"Byeee". They said and when they I had a knock at my door

I opened it to see the principle

"You forgot hall duty". He said

"I thought I was starting off from tomorrow" I said lying

"It's whatever don't miss it again otherwise you're doing it for the whole year now anyway is Jared here" he said

Oh shit

"Yeah he's sleeping right now". I said

"Okay well can you ask him to meet me tomorrow in my office" he said and I nodded

"Oh and that guard will be posted out side of your room and the staircase to upstairs" he said

"What is upstairs may I ask". I questioned

"A dangerous place, teenage psychopaths". He said

"And you have them in this school why".

"Because it's easier since counselling is also upstairs and it's extremely secure and speaking of it your friend, Brandon signed you up for some counselling. It's nothing serious and it's just to talk after what happened I've been noticing you've zoned out a lot and Jared says you talk in your sleep about it" he said

"Wait do I how come he's never said it before".

"I don't know you should ask him but you can try it tomorrow just be aware of the crazies even though they can't get to you". He said

"Well I can't get out of it so yeah " I said and he left

Brandon I'm going to kill you

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