Chapter 25: Tis' the season, but it's not all that jolly

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*Virgil POV*

"Hey, guys," I say.

"Hi kiddo! Want to hang out and go downtown?" Patton asks.

I glance at my mom. She nods.

"Sure. Let me grab my coat first." I say, dashing back to my room.

I grab my coat and phone and return to them in a few seconds.

"Alright, let's go!" Remus says.

We exit my apartment and as soon as I close the door I say,

"I never thought I'd see you two together and not fighting."

Roman and Remus roll their eyes.

"He insisted on coming with me and Pat," Roman says.

"No, you insisted on coming with me and bringing Patton!" Remus objects.

Patton and I share a glance as the twins bicker. We both laugh a bit.

"Alright, I don't care who was originally coming with who, I'm just glad you guys are here," I say.

"Aww, thanks kiddo!" Patton says.

"Ok, so where are we going?" I ask.

"Downtown," Roman says.

"You haven't done your Christmas shopping yet," Remus adds.

"How do you know- nevermind," I say, just as Remus was about to respond.

In this case, Remus would not give a straight answer, so I'd rather not have to hear his excuse. They're always crazy. We get outside to the parking lot and they lead me to what I assume is Patton's car, considering it has a few cat bumper stickers.

We get in, Remus and I in the back and Roman and Patton in the front, and Patton starts driving downtown. Downtown is technically another city, a bit smaller than Milwaukee, but everyone in our town calls it downtown.

As we drive there, the snowstorm from yesterday starts picking up. It had slowed down a bit overnight, but there were still four inches of snow on the ground. I think we might have a white Christmas. Just maybe.


After a few stores and splitting up several times, I have gifts for my parents and friends. I already got my family gifts earlier this month, so I didn't worry about them now. Patton and I are just leaving the Disney store when I ask the question that has been bugging me all day.

"So, do you know what happened to Logan? Last night, after his parents took him?" I ask cautiously.

Patton tenses up a bit. Not a good sign.

"He- his parents are making him go to therapy," Patton says.

I stop. Therapy? What kind? Is he ok? What is he won't like me anymore because of that?

"Woa there, kiddo. Slow your breaths. Take a deep breath, and let it out." Patton instructs me.

I hadn't even realized my breathing has quickened.

"It's ok kiddo, Logan is fine. He's with Dr. Picani, Emile's mother. Do you know Emile?" He asks.

I shake my head. His name is familiar but I don't think we've met. But Patton doesn't seem too worried about Logan, so I try to calm down as well. We meet up with Remus and Roman and drive back to their houses first. On our way to my apartment, Patton suggests that I visit Logan tonight.

"How would I do that? I thought he was grounded." I say.

"His window is the one right by the tree, if you climb it you can get to the roof and talk with him," Patton says.

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