Royal Birthday...

Start from the beginning

"I am going to say it only once Daniel and you better get it in your mind because I promise I am going to tell Gideon, Landon, Jeremy and the guys and..."

"NO!" I cut him off gasping and he rolls his eyes holding back his laughter.

They are going to kick my ass until I bleed and then they are going to laugh at me for the rest of my life!

"Then focus and be confident! We are all tired of you two, stop hesitating and go for it! Promise me this is going to be the last chapter we are standing hers and yours fears!" he says in a strict tone and I nod timidly.

I am going to try but it does not depend only on me...

Are you pleased now?

"I will do my best, okay?" I whisper fixing my shirt's sleeves and he groans not really satisfied.

"Good, I guess..." he states and opens the door but I grab his hand and he turns to look at me confused.

I need to tell him something first, I want to be sure about everything because I have a weird feeling and I need him to promise me something! I can't go downstairs and celebrate until he agrees and assures me about a very specific thing.

"Den, I want you to promise me something, it's the most important thing for me!" I whisper breathless forcing myself to stand on my ground and he signs quickly leaning closer to me.

He understands it is serious and he is worried but I can't do otherwise, I have to listen to him promising me.

"If anything happens to me or Diana rejects me and leaves, you will never leave her side for any reason!"

~at the same time, palace's gardens!

Diana's pov

"I am much better and calmer but I am worried about Daniel!" I say as we continue our walk with Ellie and she turns to me smiling in understanding.

One week now and nothing has happened but we are working like crazy, all of us!

From the one hand I am happy we had our time to get perfectly prepared but from the other hand waiting is killing me! I just want us to get over with that asshole!

I am happy because we are all great, better than I had imagined but I can feel Daniel's worries and this hurts, especially after that nightmare!

As our Luna told me, I said nothing with details, I just said I saw Morana and she threatened me but I mentioned nothing specific and I can't forget anything!

The way I saw him is breaking my heart and I can't talk about it and this is driving me crazy!

Destiny is helping me because she is strong and supportive but I can't tell anyone else and I am not used to it! I wish I could tell my dad but...


"I think he would have told me the same thing, if I had asked him! It's logical but don't worry! Everything is going to be alright!" Ellie says and wraps one arm around me.

"Do you think so?" I ask looking at her with concern and she nods immediately with a big, warm smile.

She is not leaving my side these last days, she is always one step behind me and she is helping me in anything I want! She didn't only help me with her father and the other previous warriors, she helped me with the permanent warriors' training as well! You see, she is one of the best and Daniel and I thought of asking from her and the other guys to help more! They are perfect for this, the more we are, the better because after Daniel saw the video, he ordered the permanent warriors to get trained harder and I agree with him!

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