There's some time that when I am trying to tell mother about him hurting me, he's always there to save himself, trying to cover up any bad thing he does. Saying that we had fun, even though it's the opposite. And of course, mother always believe him. Absolutely expected.

Jade and I were definitely enjoying our time here in the fancy automobile. It so fun here, especially, it's just the two of us. We didn't plan on leaving this place yet.

I never realized I am thinking too much when I heard soft snores besides me. I immediately turned my head in Jade's direction and I saw her leaning against the automobile's window, fast asleep. She's still beautiful even though she's sleeping. What a sleeping beauty.

I laid her head for more comfortable position. Thankfully, I didn't disturb her sleep. I also felt drowsiness that's why I laid on the left space beside her. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up alone, where I always stay. Near the very back of the ship. The darkness already consumed the surroundings. Why am I here? Why am I alone?

When I stood up from my seat, I immediately saw Jade, walking towards me.

"Jade!" I called, I ran to her immediately and hugged her. She gladly hugged back.

When we both pulled away, she looked at me straight in my eyes.

"Perrie..take a good care of yourself, huh?" She stated, making me furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Huh? Why?" I asked, really confused.

"Promise me that you're going to save yourself," She stated, still staring straight in my eyes. What is she saying?

"What do you mean? I don't understand" I sighed.

"I overheard, the ship hits something. Only an hour and two left," She stated. Wait, what?

I covered my mouth with my hand, really shocked in what I've heard. No please it isn't true right?

"No...that's not true," I stated. As I started to hear the crews of the ship screaming that the ship hits an iceberg. That it'll sink. I overheard some crew shouting to put life vests on and to get onto the boat quickly.

Everything happened so fast, the defeaning screams were scattered everywhere, now we're on the water, holding onto the wood for dear life.

"Promise me, Perrie..that you're gonna get out of here," Jade stated, struggling to speak. I can't feel my body, I am freezing cold. It's so cold.

I promised that I will save myself, that we will survive together.

Minutes had passed, I heard a sound of a lifeboat coming near us. I immediately tell Jade.

"Jade...there's a boat," I stated, shaking her hand. She didn't respond. I continued to shake her, wake her, and call her but her eyes didn't snapped open. I tried to call her louder as the boat is getting far.

"Jade! There's a boat...Jade-"

"JADE!" I shouted and Jade immediately sat up and looked at me.

"Perrie are you alright? Something wrong?" She asked, worry laced in her voice. While she's rubbing her eyes. I pulled her into a hug.

"J-Jade..don't leave me..please..I don't wanna lose you," I stated as my tears started to fall, causing Jade's blouse to get wet. She rubbed my back gently.

"Don't worry....I will never leave you...I promise," She stated, smiling at me.

I just had a bad dream, a very bad dream. And I hope it won't happen. Jade wiped my tears and caressed my cheek.

"It's just a bad dream..don't worry..I won't leave you," She stated as I pulled her in another hug.

I've been crying for about half hour now I guess. I'm scared. I know I shouldn't be because it's just a bad dream. But what if it really happen?

Jade's shirt was incredibly ruined because of all the tears that I shed. I hope it won't hapoen. If it does, I hope it's just me. If one of us should survive, I want Jade. If both of us, then both. I will never want to lose her. Never. I'll get off with her once this ship docks.

My cries slowly came to a halt, with Jade who carried on rubbing my back gently to comfort me.

"Perrie...don't worry much..if it does happen, we will survive together. Trust me," She stated, her hands are on my cheeks.

"I trust you," I replied, as she wipes the tears on my face.

"You know what..they said that if you dreamt about something, it won't happen," She stated.

"Sometimes that's not true," I stated, sniffing.

"But sometimes it can be," She said, smiling.

I love how she's always assuring me that everything's going to be fine. She never stopped on whispering soothing things in my ear to comfort me, to tell me that we will be alright. I wish I didn't sleep. I wish I haven't had that dream. It's so frightening. The defeaning screams that were scattered everywhere..until it becomes..quiet. I hate it. It's like I'm in a tragic movie. Heck no, we won't bump in anything. We will be safe, this ship will dock. And I'm sure of that.


Perrie's dream was definitely terrifying. But it's just a dream, it won't happen right?.
While she's talking about it, I can't imagine. I just can't imagine if that's going to happen. I can't imagine us, holding onto the floating wood for dear life. I know that is one of the threats. That we will encounter something in the middle of the ocean. But i hope, it won't happen. If it ever happen, I would never let her not survive. I wouldn't let her drown and freeze in that deep, cold breeze ocean. That's the main purpose why I pulled her back aboard. The first time we met, I told her about the water being so cold. Too dangerous. But I'm sure back then, really sure that she really didn't want to do that. And now, I won't let her life to be in danger. She's too young, she has a lot of dreams to achieve. And I'm hoping for those to come true.

She finally stopped crying because I told her that everything will be alright. Just a dream, sometimes it won't happen. It's not bad to believe, my friends told me that if you dreamt about something, it won't come true. Well, if I were going to be asked, I do believe. But I'll still wish to the heavens above that this ship will reach its destination.

We almost stayed here for several hours and we still hadn't decided to leave. That's why we just enjoyed each other's company.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Perrie sang.

"Come Josephine in my flying machine, going up she goes..up she goes" I looked at her and she immediately looked back, smiling as I started to sing along with her.

"Balance yourself like a bird on the the air she goes.."

"Where?" She stated, playfully.

"There she goes," We sang together. We smiled at each other and continues.

"Up, up a little bit higher..oh, my, the moon is on fire." We laughed at each other and finishes the song.

"Come Josephine in my flying machine..Going up all on, goodbye," We finished as we stared at each other, straight in our eyes.

No one dared to speak, then she started to lean in closer and smashed her lips on mine. I kissed back with the same passion. Our simple kiss turned into a make-out session. When the air become a problem, we both pulled away. Smiles were spread all over our faces.


A/N: Perrie's dream is so frightening. But they didn't know what will happen next. They're just enjoying their company. What can you say readers? Hope you like it❤️.


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