Chapter 60: Luckless Romance

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A/N: Okay so as promised (this is a three day weekend for me so it still counts) here it your new chapter! I really hope you like it and waking up tomorrow with feedback or advice or constructive criticism (or even getting some tonight) would make me so so so happy! But just thank you all for sticking with me throughout this whole story! I still can't believe it's almost been a year since I started writing this story and 60 chapters later I could have never imagined so many people would actually like my writing so thank you thank you thank you!! And I'll try to make the wait between now and the new chapter even shorter! So just thanks and happy reading! :) xx


"That's fine. Do you just want to sit here for a while?" Nora nodded and this time he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, comforting her and trying to stop her tears as they fell like raindrops onto his shirt. 


"Hey Harry, I uh, I think we need to talk." I glanced over at him from our seats outside the room where Nora was having her memory test. I knew he was anxious and worried about Nora but this was one of the few times we had been alone and I needed to get something off my chest. 

"Talk?" He eyed me questioningly as he drew his attention away from the door he had been watching so intently. 

"Yeah, Harry I've just been thinking and well... I've been thinking of going back home."

"Home? Like moving back into your host family's house? Or?"

"Or visiting home.. as in Australia." 

"Well why? Are you unhappy here? Did I do something wrong?"

"No Harry, I'm perfectly happy here and you're perfect really but I've just been feeling home sick lately and just wanted to talk with you about it and we never seem to be together just the two of us and..." 

"Well did you really have to bring it up now?" He was mad. He wasn't yelling and I could tell he was trying not to be but he was mad, really, really mad. "I mean honestly Lara my best friend is going through radiation therapy, my sister might be loosing her memory again and now this!"

"Look I'm sorry Harry but this is the only time I've been alone with you in weeks!" This was so not going according to plan. He was supposed to be supportive, fine with it at least but now we were getting into a full blown argument. 

"I know that and I'm sorry but I've just been a little busy!"

"Good to know you have your priorities in check then Harry! You know I'm not disposable! You can't just get rid of me whenever you're 'busy' and then expect me to just come crawling back when you find the time." 

"Lara you know that's not what I meant." He ran his fingers through his hair and buried his face in his hands. He always hated confrontation. 

"Really? Then what did you mea-" I was interrupted by Nora screaming at Liam and the doctor before she slammed the door shut behind her. 

"No! I didn't need your help before and I sure as hell don't need it now!" She stormed off down the hall, tears streaming down her face as she ignored us calling after her.

"Nora? Nora come back!" Harry stood up and stepped a few meters down the hall before he turned and looked back at me, remorse and forgiveness in his emerald green eyes. 

"Uh, Lara?"

"Just go Harry." I sighed but he didn't even hesitate before sprinting back down the hallway and leaving me to my thoughts before Liam walked out a few minutes later. 

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