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Leslie smirked at Matt while handing him the small piece of paper

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Leslie smirked at Matt while handing him the small piece of paper. He looked at her confused before she smiled and pointed to her ring finger. A big smile grew on his face before he looked down at the piece of paper.

"Thank you."

"Yeah , now hurry up so she can shut up about me wearing a damn maid of honor dress." She complained before walking off. Her feet took her to Kelly's Lieutenant's room where he was doing paperwork. "What are you doing ?"

"What does it look like I'm doing ?"

"Oooh snappy."

She jumped and laid on his bed as he continued writing.

"You know this isn't your room or your bed ?"

"Benefits of fucking a Lieutenant."

Kelly quickly got up and shut the door before closing the blinds and looking at her.

"Can you not say stuff like that ? Hermann has the hearing of a damn bat."

"Oh my dad will be alright." She waved him off and got really comfortable before yawning in his bed. He went and sat down and shook his head at her.

"Really ? You're going to sleep already ?"

"Shifts halfway over, I need my nap."

"You already took two."

"Once again , I need my nap , you talking is ruining my nap schedule." She said before yawning again. Kelly shook his head with a laugh as she grabbed the blanket from the edge of bed and covering herself with it.

He went back to his paperwork and tried to be quiet as possible for her to go to sleep. The paramedics were in and out all day today and finally got a break. Dawson had already fell asleep in Mouch's seat and Leslie finally calmed down enough to go to sleep.

The door slowly opened and he looked up to see Matt Casey. He looked to see Leslie sleep.

"This a bad time ?"

"She's knocked out."

Matt nodded and walked in , shutting the door behind him.

"So..........." Matt started, rocking back and forth on his feet. "I think I'm gonna go ring shopping for Dawson."

"Thank God man , it's been forever."

"I didn't know her ring size."

"Really ? That what was holding back ?" Kelly asked with a smirk. Matt rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"Yes. Then Leslie did some paper pen thing and got me Gabby's ring size." Matt told him before holding up the piece of paper. "Surprised she helped me since her and Gabby in love with each other."

It was no secret the two women were extremely close and always spoke about being together, it's gotten to the point if they decided to say they were together , it wouldn't be a shock to anyone at all.

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