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Kelly sighed as he finished his paperwork , the day was busy for some reason but he was going to see Leslie later so he was ready for the whole shift to be over and spend some time with her.

His door opened as he yawned to see fellow Lieutenant Matt Casey who had a smile on his face. Casey was always smiling, but this smile was different like something was off.

"What ?"

"Nothing." Casey shrugged with a smile. Kelly rolled his eyes at him.

"What is it ?"

"I just think it's funny how I tried all this time for you to get with Shay and now all of a sudden, you are in a relationship with her and totally in love ?"

Kelly accidentally blushed with a smile and Casey smiled , shoving his shoulder, Kelly pushing him away

"Dude , she has you whipped."

"I'm not whipped."

"Hermann told the firehouse you can't stop crying-"

"Okay , I cried three times and they were all justified." Kelly corrected as Matt let out a laugh. "Did he tell you about the rules he gave us ?"

"Rules ?"

"Yeah , rules. Apparently no kissing and anything else, oh and sex ? Definitely out of the picture until we get married and he has to approve, and knowing Hermann ? He won't approve."

Casey started laughing and Kelly groaned. Everyone that knew Kelly , knew the man used to run through women laundry. Wash and repeat. Many, many different women. All of them, different , some times the strings were attached , other times they weren't but at the end of the day , he was always having intercourse with them.

Hermann basically putting a no sex rule on the couple was going to test Kelly's strength and patience to be abstinent , even when his girlfriend was the best person he's been with sexually.

"I'm already sexually frustrated." Kelly complained , throwing his head back.

"You knew what you were doing when you decide to be with Hermann's daughter, sucks for you man."

"I know."

The two men walked out and went into the dining room and poured themselves some coffee. Smirks were thrown Kelly's way and they have been since everyone came back to work but no one said anything. Everyone knew in the firehouse and pretty much everyone in their circle knew that Kelly got himself in trouble , like he always did but this time was probably the worse.

He really fell in love with Hermann's daughter , out of all people.

Kelly looked over at Hermann who reading the newspaper , like he always did.

"I'm gonna come by and see Leslie after shift."

Everyone looked up and looked at Hermann. Hermann raised an eyebrow and looked up at Kelly before leaning back in his chair.

"So you're telling a grown man that you are coming to his house to see his daughter ?"

Everyone looked at Kelly for his response. Chief Boden was even watching for his coffee cup, waiting for his response as well. The damn firehouse was always so damn nosey. Kelly didn't know how to respond.

"Uh y-no ?"

It came out like a question because he didn't think he had to ask to see his own girlfriend but obviously he was wrong. Some snickers went around the room , Kelly was digging himself a deeper hole. Gabby looked at Hermann.

"I'm coming over to see Leslie later."

"That's fine Dawson , you don't have to ask." Hermann told her with a smile and more of them snickered while Kelly's jaw dropped.

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