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Once everyone went to sleep, Leslie got up and went to Severide's door as quietly as she could. She knocked on it and walked in to see him sleeply looking at her as she shut the door.

"What baby ?"

"Can I sleep with you ?" She asked with her blanket wrapped around her like a child that woke up from a bad dream. Once she realized how childish she sounded, she rolled her eyes. "Nevermind wh-"

"Come on." He told her , moving over to the wall and turning to the side. Leslie smiled and walked over before kicking off her shoes and getting the covers. He wrapped his arm around her. "I missed moments like these."

"Like what ?"

"Just us two , when it's quiet , no interference."

She nodded, agreeing with him. He kissed her lips softly before staring into her eyes.

"I never been happier with anyone else."

She blushed and he kissed her again.

"When are we going to say something to anybody ?"

Leslie sighed as she looked at him.

"I don't know but it's starting to feel like it's time."

Their relationship was taking a toll on them. Stella and Gabby were tracking down Kelly's every move which made it impossible for them to be around each other. No more sly glances or touches , no more talking to each other in private. Stella stayed home more often so she couldn't come over and Kelly came over once to only almost get caught by Hermann.

They were spending no time together and what couple does that ? Not one.

Kelly nodded and rubbed her cheek with a smile.

"I'm done being sappy now because if I say one more thing , you're gonna go all weird and heartless on me."

Leslie let out a quiet laugh as she rolled over to face the outside window. He wrapped his arm tighter around her, holding her close as they both fell asleep.

The alarm buzzed and she groaned , sitting up. It was daylight outside already.

Ambulance 61. Squad 3. Truck 81. Battalion Chief 25. Structure fire.

The two put their boots on and waited until everyone else walked out to follow them. Gabby jumped in the driver's while Leslie jumped in the passenger, squinting at the bright sun light.

"Where were you ?"

"I went to use the bathroom and I was drying my hands when the alarm went off."

An abandoned building has smoke leaking out of it as they parked and got out, pulling their things out. Boden looked up at the building before turning to his firefighters.

"It looks like just a rubbish fire and Engine is five minutes out. Truck 81, recon , knock it out with some silver bullets. Squad , I need search and rescue."

"Alright." Casey said as he started walking towards the building. "Let's move." His team followed him and Kelly quickly grabbed Leslie's arm when Gabby went to the back corner of the ambo to grab something.

"Hey." Kelly told her before sighing. "When are we going to do this ?"

"You know what ? We're gonna find out after this ?"

Kelly looked her shocked then he was confused before nodding as he grabbed her hand.

"I love you, you know ?"

"I love you, you know ?"

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Love On Fire || Kelly Severide & Leslie ShayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang