"Oh, ok," I nodded, "Same." I smiled back.

Monty came out of nowhere and positioned himself between Jai and I.

"Hey boy," Jai grinned looking down at him.

Monty shifted his head side to side as he looked at both of us. 

Then, he just went back inside. 

What was that? 

"Some weird-ass dog I have." I muttered.

Now we were walking together, in complete silence. 

Occasionally exchanging awkward glances at each other didn't make it any better. 

But Jai finally broke the silence, "So, we're friends now."

I nodded, "Mhm, yes we are."

"I'm looking forward to it." he grinned. 

"Yeah, me too."

It became silent between us again.

But then he asked, 

"So, did you sleep well?"

I could hear the teasing tone in his voice.

Does he wanna go?

I looked up at him, "Yeah, I did. But for some reason, the bed wasn't that comfy," I tilted my head, acting as if I disappointed.

Jai's mouth slightly gaped, "Oof, that one hurt." I laughed when Jai placed a hand on his heart.

"Sorry for bothering you last night. I didn't mean to knock out at your place." 

Jai chuckled, "It's fine. You were some good entertainment, so I didn't mind." 

Good entertainment? 

What does he mean by that?

 "What do you mean?" I asked with a slightly worried tone.

Jai looked at me, "Wait, you don't remember?" I shook my head.

What did I do last night?

Jai put a hand to his mouth, surprised, "Oh my god. You don't remember." He snickered to himself. 

"Wait, what did I do? Tell me." I asked again.

We reached the elevator. 

Jai pressed the down button while we waited. 

"Tell me Jai, what did I do last night?" I tried to have a serious tone in my voice, but it didn't break him.

He turned to me and suddenly brought his face closer to mine.

His eyes were now locked onto mine, 

"I won't tell you, if you keep on nagging me, Sahana."

I slowly backed my face away and broke eye contact. I could feel myself turning red, but quickly put my hands to on my cheeks to cool them down.

I glanced at Jai as he smirked and entered the elevator.

 Fuck, he got me.

I dared not to speak as we traveled down to the garage.

I gave Jai a smug look from beside him, but soon he turned to me and I quickly looked away.

I heard him chuckle, which annoyed me even more. 

The elevator doors opened, and Jai exited first with me following behind. Still, in silence, we eventually reached our cars. 

"Why can't he just tell me?" I muttered to myself and unlocked the door.

I was about to sit inside when I heard, 

"About last night,"

I shot my head out of the car. 


Jai was resting himself on the top of his car, with his head tilted laying on his hand. 

"Last night, you were going to leave but couldn't even walk your way to the door. It seriously looked like you were drunk," he smiled,

"But as you were trying and stumbling your way towards the door, you fell. But you were lucky that I caught you."

My eyes slowly widened. 

"Then out of nowhere, you said that I had nice arms," he giggled. 

I gasped and put a hand onto my mouth in embarrassment.

"But after that you actually knocked out. I was going to let you sleep on the couch for the night, but it was occupied by Monty and Amiga. So, the last resort was my bedroom."

He shrugged, "That's it. Everything that happened last night."

Jai got up from his car and entered in.

"Wait-" I tried stopping him.

He stretched an arm out and waved to me, 

"See ya, friend." 

I was now alone in the garage, still not able to comprehend what I just heard.



Hey guys hope ya'll liked this chapter 

I noticed how differently I format/organize my chapters now compared to how they looked in the beginning when everything was kind of clumped together, and idk about ya'll but I like it this way :)

Maybe its just me who's thinking that lmao

Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, AND SHARE 

Have a wonderful day everyonee and be prepared for lots more fun facts ;)

Love ya'll 💜

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