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"its....your father, Mr lee." he told me as i looked at him with widened eyes, how could father do this.. "does taeyong know..?" i ask and he shook his head indicating 'no' "i think if he knows he would probably be crazier then me.."

its true, taeyong hates father even tho father dotes on him more than me, the hatred started when father used to always abuse mother & mother end up leaving us with another man because she couldn't take it anymore & ever since then father didn't once let us visit mother, we were young but memories was still crystal clear.

"im gonna have to plot how to bring him down from his position or even kill him, but i should inform taeyong first, his the leader after all." yuta said & i nodded, he then left the room and left me alone.

i can't believe my life almost ended because of my own father, but it also means he found out about minhyuk, i will protect him, i have to, even if that means im going against father.

i decided to let her go, i can't afford to love her, at least not like the guy.

i knock on taeyong's door to let him know about the plan.

after telling him everything he was mad, like furious he then slam the table, "taeyong calm down first, i know how you feel but don't let anger take over you first, we have to plan everything out for it to work."

we then started planning how everything is gonna go, it was obvious that taeyong is going to kill Mr lee.

we told everyone to come into the meeting room & told then the plan

"ok so next monday we'll start by taking all the important files & once he start realising that they are missing he'll track where the file are & from there we'll lure him to that underground place." i told them while pointing to then plan sheet i had on the board.

"can't believe we are gonna attack our upperboss but ok wow"mark jokingly said as we all sent death glares to him. "know when is the right time to joke mark." taeyong said & mark looked down & mouthed sorry.

i sat on the bed for about an hour and a half already, i was getting really bored so i decided to pluck out the needle the was attached to me & walk out of the room. i saw taeyong in the kitchen cooking, "what are you cooking?" i said startling him making him jump a little, "you scare- YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE IN BED!" he shouted making the one whose startled now.
"i was bored" i whined & he sighs. "still, you need alot of rest, now go sit at the dinner table & wait for the food, don't stay standing up."
he told me & shoo'ed' me away.

he finished cooking & sat infromt of me & we started eating, "so when can i start going back to school?" i asked him & he looked at me,
"of course when you're feeling better & about going to the US you don't have to going to get rid of father." he said & i nodded, thats right, now i can live in peace in soul, well not now but after father is gone. "c-can i also
l-live like a n-normal p-person?..." i asked, honestly i was only force to be in the mafia because of father, but once his gone i'll stop harming anyone. "i doubt you can live like a 'normal person' but from now you can stop working in the mafia world & just live life normally, but there are still gonna be people watching so always be cautious around your surroundings." he said & i squealed in joy, "rEALLY?? THANK YOU SO MUCH oppa" i said & i quietly said the last word.. "d-did you finally adress me as 'oppa' again?" he said with widened eyes, even tho he was older i rarely called him 'oppa' because when mom left father did not allow us to adress each other as siblings, only names.

after eating i went back to the room & waited for taeil to come check up on me, "hm seems like you're already fine, i think that you can leave in 4 more days, i need to monitor your upcoming conditions so just stay for another 4 days or so."

2 days has pass & today was monday, taeyong came into my room & sat on my bed beside me, "good morning, today is the day, i'll get rid of father, or should i just call him Mr lee, and from today you shall live your life freely, im doing this for you, while we are gone i'll have your 'friend' come accompany you." he said as he emphasised the word 'friend' to tease me.

to be continued...
this story is coming to an end soon! its going to have 25 chapters & maybe i'll write a new book after this one as i really enjoy writing 😃 ok see you in the next chapter!

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