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the memories that replayed in my head slowly getting to me & what i said few years ago was also affecting me. "you should have expected this day to come!" what if.... that happens to minhyuk?...

who was he to me? its only been a month since we've started talking but i've already lost my first kiss to him, what am i even doing? i've never ever been like this, why am i suddenly becoming a warm person because of some random guy that goes to my school as well?

"i'll go.... only if you promise to protect minhyuk for me..."i told taeyong as he looked at me, with a expression in his eyes that i can't read "..ok, i'll book your flight for 2 days later. remember to pack everything, this is not a vacation, once you're there you might never get to return here." he said & i just nod, i went upstairs into my room & closed the door behind me. 'should i tell this to minhyuk?' 'how would he react?' 'will he care?' these thoughts came into my brain again, i decide to just put my thoughts aside like i usually do & go to sleep.

next day at school

i walked into school with my earpiece on as i kept on thinking about if i should tell minhyuk about the fact that im flying off tomorrow.

i saw him at the hallway of school & we made eye contact, he instantly wave his hands at me enthusiastically as i walked over towards him & his group of friends.

"i have to tell you something, let's go" i told him before walking towards the rooftop knowing that his probably following right behind me.

we were at the rooftop & i was about to speak up when he just cut me off "why didn't you told me you were gonna leave halfway yesterday? or why didn't you wake me up? im sorry for sleeping..." he bombarded me with questions "sorry..i had last minute meeting with my brother.." i said. "its okay! let's have a sleepover again then? when are you free? this weekend? what do you think?" he bombarded me with all these questions again, he looked so happy, while anticipating my answer,
"w-what if i have to l-leave korea forever...?"

he awkwardly chuckled & ask "..why would you ask me that? of course i won't let you go! you can't leave... you promise to be here and protect me right? y-you're not leaving right?"

"im leaving for america tomorrow, i'm never coming back." i said as i tried to keep a tough front like i always do, but this time it was exceptionally hard, because it was him.
"w-what? why? d-don't leave me please...why?" he held onto my shoulders forcing me to look into his eyes as he asked me in disbelief, i refused to look into his eyes, i knew if i did, i would probably start being emotional. "if i move there, i wouldn't have to carry on my father's dirty business & i can live my life better there" i told him still not budging to look at him. "w-what about me? what about u-us? w-what about that k-kiss we shared? was that nothing to you?" he ask. dammit, he makes it so hard for me, its as if like i have to lie, i don't lie, but i have to. "it was just a kiss, it's nothing special, and there was never a us in the first place, its just all in your head."

minhyuk's pov
i've never felt so emotionally in pain before,i can feel my heart breaking into millions of pieces as i hear every word that came out of her mouth. so that kiss never meant anything? the time we spend never meant anything either? and maybe she's right, its all in my head, maybe all this is all just a joke for her. i couldn't help but to feel betrayed, i've never felt this way, maybe its life. "i sorry i shouldn't have interfere with your business since day one, im sorry that i thought we were more than just friends. good luck with life..
y/n." i said & walked away.

thank god the school's bell hasn't rang yet as i make my way out of school & decide to go to somewhere peaceful.

i went to the beach & i sat down, emotions taking over me as i kept of tearing up while remembering her words crystal clear.

what she said really hurt me, she was the only girl i have ever fall for, but i guess, it was only one sided.

y/n's pov
he left me there, im sorry minhyuk, to protect you from this cruel underworld that i work for this is how i have to let you go, there was us but the reality of how my life goes has to end it.

i can't help but started crying when he left, i don't know what im upset at, the fact that i broke him, or that im probably never gonna see him ever.

to be continued.....

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