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y/n's pov
i turn on my flashlight & shone it on his face, but whoever who's infront of me shocked me
"what are you doing here minhyuk?"

"minhyuk-ah!" my mom called out while i was in my room after eating dinner "yes mom?" i went down after she called me "we ran out of dish washing soap, can you go get it?" she said which left me saying "okay! i'll be right back!"
i then took the money she put on the table & left the house to the nearest convenient store because its 10.38pm now and the supermarket is already closed.

i reached the store in about 15 minutes & go straight towards the things i needed to buy for my mum, i was about to go pay till i walk passed the bandages area, i looked at the bandage & the bandage looked back at me & so i decided to buy i can pass it to y/n tomorrow..hopefully she accepts it & use it well.

i was about to make my way back home after paying but the route was longer then the back alley one, i thought for awhile & decided to go for the shorter route instead. i was about 2 minutes into the alley & it slowly became darker, and at that moment i heard a girl called out "byounggon right?" i stop on my tracks & didn't say anything back & i started thinking 'whos byounggon?' 'is that a ghost?' 'omg the ghost is walking towards me' 'the ghost even sMOKES??' all these thoughts ran through my head & i was too shock to even moved or run away. until she shone her phone's flashlight at me, i looked down at her shocked, before some guy shouted.

back to y/n's pov
"what are you doing here minhyuk?" i said as i looked at him wondering why the heck is he at a drug dealers spot.

"hAH! you've been caught red handed lee y/n! trying to sneak your guy to attack us? from where?" the byounggon guy said while holding his gun up to the both of us. 'shit' was all i could think about, im dead his dead we're both dead.

"look his not with me, he's just a passerby." i said causing the byounggon guy to scoffed "why would you be talking to mr passerby then?" he said to me walking closer & closer.

"you know y/n i'll never kill you, i've always wanted you so i shall have you." he said trying to scare me "but i'll have to kill your lil mr passerby first!" he said & shot the gun up in the sky indicating that a fight is gonna break out.

minhyuk on the other hand dropped down to the floor while holding his plastic bag & clearly trembling from fear. without hesitation i pulled him behind me & whispered "i can't promise your life right now but do what i say" he nodded tears coming out of his eyes, i can see the fear in his eyes.

i dogged one shot & another until he doesn't have anymore bullets left, he wasn't aiming me, he was aiming at minhyuk, but i will protect him because he doesn't deserve to die, at least not right now.

the byounggon guy threw his gun & took out his knife charging towards us but i was quick enough to shoot him in the leg & he fell groaning in pain. i stood up trying to pull minhyuk up as well & he was still trembling, probably even worst now.

what i didn't realised when i was helping minhyuk up was that they were trying to stab minhyuk from the angle i don't notice, but in his eyes i saw what was behind me, 1,2,3 i jumped right ontop of minhyuk when the knife hit my flesh, 'again' was all i could think of as i took the gun & shoot the guy right in his heart causing him to drop dead.

i stood up with all of the energy i had left & pulled minhyuk with me, running as fast & as far as i could away from where i came from
"m-my p-plastic" he said as he pointed to his bag of stuff, i reached out to grab it and quickly grab his hand to continue running as fast as we can until there was no sight of them chasing or following us.

i dropped down on the floor panting & groaning due to the pain on my arm, a new wound on my right arm again. minhyuk looked at me while panting & saw i was in pain, so he bend down signaling me to get on his back and i did, at this point if i don't get any help i'll faint here.

"where... are we..going?" i asked as i groaned out of pain "hospital!" he said as i panicked
"no no..we can't go to the hospital..please." i said begging him "why? where do you want to go then? you're in this state!!" he exclaimed & i still felt his body trembling. "g-go to t-the rooftop there"

to be continued..
ok i've never written fight scenes so im so sorry if its bad but i tried :/

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