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☆☆ Chapter One ☆☆

☆☆ Once upon a time ☆☆

With a piece of bun shoved inside his mouth, Jimin connected the wires to the plug point.

After reading the instruction book, he started connecting the various wires to the plug points, but it seems like the TV won't be turning on, anytime soon.

Jimin glared at the poor TV, or maybe it isn't a poor TV.

The man decides to give up when he saw another wire laying idle near his feet.

"Oh, I didn't connect this huh" Jimin smiled as he connected the wire and switches the TV on.

Bright light came from the TV as Jimin closed his eyes.

Finally the bright light tuned down, as Jimin opened his eyes and stared at the TV.

"He gave me a broken TV, didn't he?" Jimin whispered, slowly his anger raising.

Jimin fisted his hand as he raised it, ready to punch the screen when he felt something pull him inside the TV.

"What th- FUCK" Jimin screamed loudly as he was pulled inside the TV.

He felt his head turn and twist as he slid down something. It felt like going down a really long slide.


Jimin smiled when he didn't get hurt from the fall. He fell on something...well not really a thing. He fell on top of SOMEONE!

Jimin was abruptly pushed away harshly, followed by a sharp pain in his cheek.


Jimin jumps up, his glare fixated on the person who slapped him.

"You! How dare you fucking slap my billion dollar worth precious face?" Jimin growled.


"I am really a good person you see..I never keep debts, so let me repay you twice" Jimin smiled.


The whole throne room was silent, people shocked on who the man is..the man who dared to slap thee Prince, TWICE!

"Can I know who is this sly man?" A deep voice spoke as Jimin turned to the kind- looking old man sitting in a throne.

Throne..did I get transported to a role play set?

"Once upon a time, I was Park Jimin, but now I am Broke Jimin" he smiled.

"Kill him" the old man said without blinking an eye as Jimin's eyes widen.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Jimin growled as he glared at the old man.

"No, Father" A voice spoke as the King turned to his son.

"Can I know what you have in mind, son? For this slick bastard who dared to slap you twice" the King asked as he raised his eyebrow.

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