But as usual, my mind was wandering somewhere else, hence why I took out my phone and opened the group chat with my brothers.

Alex 8.31am
'Are you guys sure you're okay with it?'

I didn't even have time to lock my phone that they both started typing.

Matt 8.31am
'Ask again Alex and Imma think you're the one having second thoughts about it.'

Chase 8.32am
'I hear an echo.'
'I second that ^'

Alex 8.33am
'Fuck off, the both of you -.-'
'So, you're sure?'

Matt 8.33am
'That's it, I'm out.'

Matt left.

I had to laugh out loud as I pictured my brother literally giving up on me while the other little shit shamelessly left me on read. The nerve.

But they were right, I was overthinking it, as usual. Sure, what I was about to do was in fact a big deal, and even though I was a nervous wreck just by thinking about it, I was also kinda thrilled. And the fact that my brothers were not only okay with it but actually encouraging about it all, was all I needed to grow a pair and face the music.

Let's just hope the music I was gonna hear wasn't going be the one from the Titanic, cause that would suck.


"Hey baby, how-"

I was abruptly cut off by Ashley's lips smashing against mine, her tongue eagerly making its way into my mouth as I had to take a few seconds to even realize what was happening before kissing her back.

"Well, someone's in a totally different mood huh?", I teased as I smiled into the kiss. "How was your day?"

"It was great, just like you said.", she grinned as she rested her forehead against mine. "I'm sorry for this morning."

"I'm sorry too, Ash.", I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "But in my defense, Sky took a long ass shower before I did, so.."

"Another reason as to why I need to get the hell out of there.", she huffed, settling back in her seat and causing me to hide a smirk. "You sure you wanna come with me? Did you get enough sleep?"

"Yes and yes."

Smiling to each other, I revved the engine to life and proceeded to follow Ashley's directions. With her hand on my thigh, the car drive mainly consisted in her telling me every single detail of her day as I carefully listened, bobbing my head to the music every now and then. I was happy to see how excited she was to be back in school, but I'm not gonna lie, my mind was pretty much somewhere else at the very moment. And thankfully, for once in her life she was too wrapped up in her story to even notice.

"That sounded like your day was more than just great.", I teased, earning a content smile as we pulled up in front of the house she wanted to see. "Ready, Miss Stevens?"

"It was.", she nodded, leaning forward to peck my lips. "Let's do this."

Climbing out of the car, I intertwined our fingers as we made our way inside. Being an open house, we were actually surprised to see that it was just us, but it gave us the opportunity to snoop around all we wanted and take as long as Ashley needed.

I'm not gonna lie, the place was really nice. You could tell it was recently renovated, but as I said, Ashley being picky meant that it didn't take long for her to complain about this and that, overall making a fuss about little and meaningless things that I myself would've never even noticed.

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