"That's cool! I wouldn't even think you're a Korean because of your accent." Dilreba compliments her.

"Yeah, but I cannot really understand some and I'm mad at forming a Chinese sentence sometimes."

"Your Chinese is great, don't worry." Xiaotong says.

"Well anyway, it's almost 10 AM, my next class starts at 10:30." Yixing informs.

"The same as ours." Xiaotong replied.

"Mine too. I guess we need to go back into our respective classrooms after this." Dilreba added.

After eating, everyone of them went back to their own classrooms for their next classes. Jisoo and Xiaotong are on the same class again. They have the same schedules in all of their subjects. Their next class is Architectural Design, so they passed by their lockers to get their materials for drafting. They will have another esquisse to be done inside the room.

They entered the room along with their professor, and their on the spot plate was given to them to be done with the duration of three hours.

"Okay class, pass your plates forward." The professor announced after 3 hours. Jisoo was able to finish it ahead of time before passing her paper.

"Well, that was a great job! We were able to finish it ahead of time." Xiaotong says.

"Good job to us though." Jisoo smiles.

"I'll be returning all of your previous plates today, and I am not satisfied with your works so tomorrow expect for a remedial of this." The professor tells, and started to distribute the papers back.

"Oh, good thing I was able to make it not lower than the passing grade." Xiaotong says as she receives her own work.

"I wonder where is mine? I haven't received mine yet." Jisoo told her.

"What? Maybe you didn't hear our professor calling for you." Xiaotong said.

"I never heared my name being called though." Jisoo replies.

"Tell our professor now." Xiaotong told her.

"Okay class dismissed, I'll see you all again tomorrow." The professor bid goodbye and went outside.

Jisoo chased after her professor before he goes out of her sight. "S-sir, e-excuse me?"

"Yes Miss Li?"

"M-my paper... I haven't received mine sir." Jisoo said.

"Oh, about that, don't worry." Jisoo wonder why her professor smiled. "In fact, you're the only one who got the highest passing so I displayed your work on the bulletin."

Jisoo went freeze. "O-oh really sir?"

"Yes Miss Li. I posted it on the bulletin this morning." The professor smiled. "You should keep up the good work next time!"

"Thank you so much sir!" Jisoo smiled.

"You're welcome miss Li. I should go now."

"Yes sir. Thank you again." Jisoo smiled.

"Oh, the top notcher of the class again." Xiaotong smiled at her.

"No I am not."

"Stop pretending like you don't want it. I know deep inside you love being praised which makes it goes into your head." Zitao interrupts as he passed by them.

"What? I didn't mean anything Zitao." Jisoo defended.

"Stop it Jisoo. You're always the most favorite of all the professors, ever since our freshmen days they always praise you and displayed some of your works on the bulletin so stop acting like it's nothing to you at all." Zitao ranted.

THE FEUD - JISOO X EXO-M ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now