Chapter 1- Differences

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[ Earth Nectinline ]

Not being able to breathe is one thing, breathing with broken ribs is another.

Samantha can't remember a time that she went through so much physical pain. Yes, physical pain.

It's been three weeks since her mother, Enia, and herself had been brought to the BloodWinders planet. All through those weeks, the Leader has sent different BloodWinders into the huge rectangular shaped jail cell to take their anger out on the witches and wolf.

They are all chained down by chains that are connected to a wedge in the brick ground. The chains are wrapped wound their wrist tightly, making their wrists bleed, and their arms are forced behind them. They all lean forward on their knees, heads held down from the lack of power and energy. Their clothes are dirty with blood stains decorating them, and holes are joined.

Samantha has repeatedly tried to reach out to her mate, even though their connection is lost. It's there but she feels it disappearing and that hurts. Badly, but she shows no pain. Her face is lost of her usual tanish color. She's pale and drained out. Her face is emotionless even when she's taking pain. She shows no fear or hurt. Same for the other two women.

Speaking of the other women, they all haven't said anything to each other through the whole three weeks. One reason is that two Lycans guard the cell and the other is having no reason to talk. What should they talk about? There isn't anything to talk about. Well, today will change all of that.

Samritha is tired of this, being chained up and having no power. She has so much anger balled up that her eyes keep changing from her brown to her magic purple. She tries many times to use her magic and many times, she has failed. Out of anger, she balls the chain around her wrist in her fist and yanks it hard. The chains crackles against each other drawing attention of the two people besides her and the lycans.

Both Lycans turn around and growl at her. She ignores them and keeps yanking the chains. The Lycans growl at her one more time before leaving the cell area and going up to stairs to report to their leader.

Enia looks at the witch, her eyes wide but no emotion is filling them.

"Stop it," she demands.

Samritha looks at her and glares. Her eyes purple and intense.

"No, we need to do something, anything. We can't just stay in this cell losing our life. Starving. Grieving. They already think we're weak and I'm not giving them any more time to think that," her voice is low. She yanks the chains again. She knows she's not escaping but she's hoping to get the attention of the Leader Karla.

"I..agree," Samantha finally speaks up, both women stop to look at the young wolf. Samritha stops yanking the chains and sits back on her knees. "But what should we do? There's no way we're getting out of these chains any time soon," her voice is so small but hope is there.

"We try to get her attention," Samrthia says.

"And how do you expect us to do that?" Enia asks.

"I may have an idea," she smirks, her eyes still glowing purple. The air surrounding her hands turn into black gas. She's going to try to use her powers. No, not her regular ones. Black Magic. It's not dark magic but black.

[ Pack House ]

Things have changed down with the wolves for the past three weeks. Deven and Jason have officially got together. To say that the wolves were confused and shocked was an understatement. They are still shocked. Shocked that both men, who have hated each other for the longest, are Not just that, they've put both of their packs together. They still have their separated pack houses, Black and Cold, but they have mixed their wolves up. Joined them into one big force.

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