Energy Part 3

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I walk toward the cafe, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I feel like I'm breathing too fast and not breathing at the same time. Will she be there? She didn't say anything to indicate a time, but I hope I'm not too late...or early.

I walk past the cafe toward the building that's under foreclosure. I'm not sure how to get inside, but I'll figure that out when I get there.

Trying to slow my breath, I slip into the alley beside the building. It's dark despite it being day, and there's a distinct smell of garbage. That's when I see it. Just barely.

The door to the building is just slightly open, a slender object sticking out from the frame. She's here.

I walk faster to the door, my heart rate spiking. I'm going to be so mad if I just pass out before I see if she's here or not. I sure as hell feel like I'm about to collapse.

I touch the doorknob and let out a soft breath, trying to calm myself. Looking to the left and to the right, I make sure nobody is watching before I open the door, pulling out the slender object while I do so. It's a small metal ruler keeping the automatic lock from engaging. I check to see if there's a lock on the inside, and there is, so I drop the ruler inside, beside the door.

It's dark inside, but some streams of light illuminate the empty, barren room with walls of chipping white paint. I step forward slowly, my footsteps echoing throughout the room despite my efforts to remain quiet. I open my mouth to say something, but I hesitate. No.

I keep walking forward, looking around the room. It's not a large room, and I can see another door towards the back wall. I continue towards it, trying to listen for human life. Then I hear a noise. I freeze, trying to listen closely. It doesn't sound like a person's voice, but I can't be sure. And then, a huge rat scampers across the floor, scaring the shit out of me and making me nearly shriek. I cover my mouth, only making a muffled gasping noise. My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest.

I close my eyes and breathe slowly for a few moments before opening my eyes again and continuing towards the door. I touch the handle tentatively, as if I'm worried it's going to be hot for some reason. I turn it and push; it opens. And then I see her.

"You came," she says softly, a smile on her beautiful face.

"Demi," I breathe. Time seems to stop. I didn't think I was going to see her again. If that rat hadn't scared the shit out of me, I would have thought I were dreaming. But this is real. I let the door slam shut behind me as I run into her arms.

"You're here," she says, throwing her arms around me and spinning us around. She smells just like I remembered.

"I missed you so much." I can feel the tears starting to fall already. I can't keep it together. This is too surreal.

"I missed you, too," she whispers as she pulls away and looks into my eyes. Her brown eyes are brimming with tears.

She somehow looks older even though it's only been a year. Something has aged her; I can see the tiredness in her eyes. But I can still see the spark. That energy. It's still there under all else.

"What happened?" I ask, and she looks at me. She wants to tell me so much, but something is stopping her.

"I was in the wrong place at the wrong time," she says vaguely.

I pause, processing her words. "Is it safe now?"

"I'm not sure," she admits. "I think it is."

"Why did you reach out now?"

She lets out a breath. "Honestly, I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have."

"You've been careful for so long," I say.

She looks away. She's lying. I can still tell when she's lying.

"I saw you. That's why."

"What do you mean?" I pause. "You've been here this whole time?"

"In this same town, yes."

"I thought you were out of the country or something. You mean to tell me you've been here this whole time?" I feel anger, but I'm not sure who I'm mad at.

"I'm sorry. I know it was stupid—" 

"What happened, Demi?" I demand. "You've called me out here. If I were going to be in danger, I already am. Anything you say past it shouldn't change that."

She looks to me before glancing away again. I wait.

"I witnessed a murder."


still figuring out the details lmao

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