The Secret Game

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Melina POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Shit this isn't my room. I felt the warmth of Lucas' body against mine and couldn't help but smile remembering the night we had. Good thing Josh and Sky were too busy to think I was anywhere other than my room, and that Kinsley was out of town. Last night wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, everything about it was perfect. I turned over to face him and his eyes started to open. He looked at me and smiled, and then pressed his lips against mine.

"Good morning baby." he said with a soft smile.

"Baby...I like that. Keep calling me that." I smiled back to him. I gently placed my thumb on his cut at the bottom of his lip.

"It doesn't hurt." Lucas said grabbing my hand that was on his face in his and gently kissing it.

"People shit talk me all the time, what made this one different?" I asked.

"Because this time I heard it." Lucas shrugged.

"I really thought you hated me."

"I did. But mainly because I just wanted you to be mine. And it was easier to push you out than accept that."

"That makes zero sense...yet I totally get it." I laughed. "I should probably head back to my room before anybody notices."

"One more kiss." he pouted rolling on top of me. I've never seen him like vulnerable, so caring, so...I don't even know how to describe it. But I like it. After one more kiss I quickly got dressed and Lucas checked to make sure the hallways were clear before I ran down the hall to mine. I threw myself onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling smiling. This all feels so surreal. There was a knock on my door that pulled me back to reality, and then Carmen came in.

"Hey Car what's up?" I asked. She paused, staring at me confused.

"Why are you so happy?" she asked.

"Just woke up this way." I blushed.

"No, that's a different smile." She said eying me down. "Spill it." I bit my bottom lip smiling and then jumped up from the bed grabbing her arm and pulling her back onto the bed with me.

"You can NOT tell Ben and Jordyn OR any of the uncles! I smiled holding her hands in mine.

"Twin swear?" I asked holding out my pinkie.

"Twin swear." She said linking it in mine. I looked around the room again and my smile just grew bigger.

"Lucas and I...kinda...ya know..." I said looking off. She looked confused at first but then her eyes went wide.

"EWWWWWW!" she freaked jumping back from me.

"Carmen!" I laughed.

"Ew! Ew! Ew! I don't want to imagine that. Oh gosh how do I forget that." she said covering her eyes.

"Hey Melina?" Maddie asked slowly opening my door.

"What's up ladybug?" I asked still laughing from Carmen.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok!" she said running into the room and jumping on to the bed next to me.

"What do you mean?" I kept laughing. I grabbed my water bottle from my side table and started taking sips, trying to catch my breath again.

"I heard you last night in Lucas' room and it sounded like he was hurting you." Maddie said. I instantly spit my water out all over her and started choking, coughing trying to breathe. Carmen burst out laughing falling backwards on the bed and Maddie looked at me disgusted.

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