Can't We Be 17...

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Melina POV:

"Lucas what did you do!" I freaked. Jason laid on the ground holding his hand over his bloody nose and Lucas stood over top of him. Everybody was staring and I felt myself go into full panic mode.

"You two come with me now." Ben said grabbing my arm and pulling me and Lucas with him. I saw Jordyn run over to help Jason. What is going on? Ben pulled us out of the main room into the hallway followed by Carmen, Nate, Carter, Aaron and the uncles. "Somebody want to tell me what the fuck just happened?" Ben asked. I looked over at Lucas who was staring at the wall, still fuming with anger.

"Lucas why would you punch him in the middle of my party!" I asked.

"He was obviously jealous that Melina came here with Jason." Carmen said.

"Oh really Carmen? You think that's why?" Lucas asked turning to her.

"What other reason could there be?" I asked.

"Maybe you should ask your twin." Lucas said.

"What are you talking about?" Carmen asked.

"You slept with him Carmen! On thanksgiving, and you lied about it! You said you two only kissed but that's not true!" Lucas yelled.

"Carmen please tell me he's lying." I said to Carmen. She looked down at the ground.

"You slept with your sisters ex boyfriend?" Nate asked.

"I'm sorry I ruined the party, but he was lying to you Melina. He was playing you! And I got so mad that I punched him." Lucas said.

"I think I need some air." I said pushing through everybody and going outside. Cool. My sister slept with my ex boyfriend. And they both lied about it. And my party is currently ruined. Fuck just once I want something to go right.

"Pretty fucked up, isn't it." Nate said walking up next to me.

"Yeah you have no idea." I said crossing my arms.

"I just found out my girlfriend who freaked out when I tried to make a move on her lost her virginity to her identical twin's ex boyfriend. And lied to me about it. I think I get it." Nate said. I couldn't help but give a small chuckle to that.

"Ok you do get it." I laughed.

"Melina!" A voice called out. I turned around to see Max running out.

"I'm gonna catch a cab home, you good here?" Nate asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks Nate." I smiled. He gave me a small hug and left.

"Hey is everything ok?" Max asked.

"No, not really. Can you get me out of here?" I asked.

"Yeah of course. Where do you wanna go?" Max asked.

"Literally anywhere." I laughed. I grabbed my hand in his and we headed down the steps. Happy birthday to me.

Jordyn POV:

"Ok I'm not a doctor but I don't think your nose is broken." I said after I cleaned up all the blood.

"I am so sorry this happened Jordyn." Jason said.

"Hey, it's not your fault." I told him.

"Actually it is." Parker said coming into the bathroom where I had Jason.

"Not the time Parker." I said.

"Listen Jason I'm sorry about your nose, but you need to get out of here. Now." Parker said.

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