The Wild Child

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Melina POV:

"You are such a dumbass." I laughed, looking at Carmen's infection where her nose ring is.

"Can you please just help me out?" Carmen begged, sitting on the edge of our bathtub.

"Of course I can." I said. I opened the cabinet and pulled out a sea salt remedy we kept. "Not so easy being the wild child is it?" I chuckled.

"Just take it out." Carmen said.

"Alright alright I'm on it. This is probably going to hurt." I said. I pulled the stud out of her nose and started treating it with the solution as she winced. "You have to be very careful to keep this clean otherwise it could cause issues."

"How do you know so much about piercings?" Carmen asked.

"I had a sister who loved to pierce herself and was never too good at keeping it clean. I learned quite a lot." I said continuing to put the solution on her nose.

"Crazy to think that could've been my life."

"Trust me, you don't want it." I joked.

"I have siblings out there that I will probably never meet. Plus life in foster care isn't the best either." Carmen explained.

"Well, your nose should heal fine. Just remember to keep it super clean." I said putting a bandage on her nose.

"Thanks Mel. I'm sorry again for everything that's happened between us the last few months. I'm really the worst sister." Carmen said.

"Carmen, it's ok. I haven't been the perfect sister. All that matters is that we are stuck with each other for eternity." I laughed sitting down next to her on the tub and wrapping my arms around her. "So tell me again how much Ben freaked when he saw your piercing."

"He lost his mind! I swear his eyes were going to bulge right out of his head." Carmen laughed.

"Oh I am so upset I missed that. I love Ben freakouts." I joked.

"Yeah where were you yesterday?"

"Would you believe that I was running from the cops?" I laughed.

"I would ask, but I'd rather have deniability."

"Yeah probably for the better." We both sat there laughing and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Do you think Maddie is going to grow up to be like us?" Carmen asked.

"Oh gosh I hope not." I laughed. "All bets are off with Peyton and Gabi though."

"Oh he is definitely going to get in a lot of trouble growing up, I can already tell."

"And we won't even be here to witness it."

"Next year is senior year...are you scared?"

"Car we haven't even finished junior year. I like to just take it one day at a time." I truth is I have no idea what happens after high school. Do I go to college?

"Speaking of school, if we don't head out now we are going to be late." Carmen said standing up and rushing out of the bathroom. I followed behind her, grabbing my bag from the living room and rushing out the door.

"So what're your gonna say when people ask about the bandaid on your nose?" I laughed in the elevator ride down.

"I'll just blame it on being clumsy." Carmen said.

"Honestly that's believable." I joked. The elevator doors opened and we rushed through the lobby.

"Late again?" Our doorman Henry laughed.

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