First Rehearsal

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Jordyn POV:

"Holy shit you're right, they are exactly the same." I whispered. Melina and Carmen were standing in line to order their food and we were sitting at the table with Carmens foster mom.

"It was never in Carmens file that she was a twin. But her moms name is Jackie Wheeler." Carmens foster mom said.

"That's Melina's moms name." I said.

"So, they must really be twins." Ben said.

"This is crazy." I said.

"Has anybody put in to adopt Carmen?" Ben asked.

"No, most people want younger kids. It's a shame, she's such a bright young girl who loves to perform. She cracks us up because she does this thing where she says she reads your eyes." the lady said.

"Sounds just like our little Melina." Ben laughed.

"Well, I don't want to rush things for you guys but if you are interested in adopting her it would be best to get the process started as soon as possible. The lady said.

"I don't think that's a decision we can make today." I said.

"Don't worry, take some time and think about it." She said.

"Ben! You will never believe this. We have the same favorite color, same favorite food, and we both love to sing!" Melina smiled running over. "And she loves Hamilton!"

"I can't believe I'm standing in front of the girl who plays Eliza." Carmen smiled.

"Well, if it was ok with your foster mom, you could come see the show tonight with Melina." I said.

"CAN WE?!?" Melina and Carmen pleaded at the same time.

"How can I so no to these two smiling faces." The lady smiled. I should really learn her name.

"YAY!" They screamed and grabbed each other in a hug. This is crazy, this has to be a dream. Now I feel pressured to adopt Carmen, that's so much though. But how can I not adopt Melinas twin sister? Literally her exact DNA.

Melina POV:

"So yeah, I have a twin sister I never knew about." I said sitting with Jason in the empty school theatre. "Oh, and here's your jacket back....a week later." I laughed handing it to him.

"Keep it, you look better in it." He laughed.

"Thanks." I smiled putting it back on.

"Oh! So I want to play you the new song I wrote." He smiled pulling out his guitar. He started to play and I couldn't help but smile. His voice sounded like silk as he played through the first verse. "Sweet little girl of only 15, prettiest girl that you ever have seen. Knows what she wants and she doesn't stop, till she's reached the very top." He sang. He finished the song and just looked at me.

"That was amazing." I smiled.

"Really?" He blushed.

"Yeah! Do you always write songs?" I asked.

"All the time." He smiled.

"You know, I'm working on my second album, think you could write me a couple songs?" I smirked.

"I don't think I could write a song about girl feelings." He laughed.

"Just write a normal song and change all the she to he!" I said.

"I'll try something." He smiled.

My phone buzzed and I looked down and I had a text.

Nick: hey, I know you don't go to our school anymore but we are having a dance this Friday, wanna go with me?

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