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Melina POV:

"Are you ready?" I asked Carmen as we stood outside the door. She took  deep breath and looked at me.

"Ready." She said. We grabbed hands and the prison guard opened the door.  There was our mother, sitting there in cuffs looking at us with the most surprised face.

"Well I'll be damned." She said.

"Hello mom."  I said.

"Melina! Carmen! You found each other." My mom smiled. 

"We have a lot of questions." I said. We sat down at the table across from her but we continued to hold hands in fear of losing each other. 

"I probably have answers." My mom said. "I'm guessing you are Carmen."  She said looking at Carmen.

"Hi." Carmen said.

"Look how big you are now."My mom smiled. "And you, Melina, I heard you are staring in a broadway show."

"Why did you separate us at birth?" I asked.

"Because I couldn't  handle two more kids."  My mom said.

"So you split up twin sisters?" Carmen asked.

"It was a hard choice, but it was best for both of you." She said.

"Why didn't you tell us about each other?" I asked.

"I was going to when you were 18." My mom said. "How are Ben and Jordyn treating you?" She asked.

"Great. We just moved into a new penthouse that is overlooking Times Square and they are going to adopt Carmen. They have a 3 year old daughter named Maddison and Jordyn is currently pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl." I said.

"That's great. I'm glad you are happy." She said.

"Ok  wait I have a question, who was born first?" Carmen laughed.

"Melina by 2 minutes."  She said.

"Ha!" I laughed.

"Visiting hours are over."  The guard said standing my mother up.

"Come visit again girls!" She said as they took her out of the room.

"Well that was in no way helpful." Carmen said.

"Except I learned I'm 2 minutes  older so suck it!" I laughed.

Jordyn POV:

"HOLY FUCK MY STOMACH IS HUGE!"  Jordyn screamed looking in the mirror.

"Well there are two small humans inside of you." I laughed.

"I'M LIKE AN ELEPHANT." She screamed.

"No you aren't, you look beautiful." I said.

"NO I LOOK LIKE A PIG."  She said.

"Jordyn, come sit down with me and we can watch a movie." I said. She reluctantly ran over and sat down next to him on the couch. "Finally, we are alone. Melina and Carmen are with Parker, Maddison is with Morgan,  it's just the two of us." I smiled. I leaned in to give Jordyn a kiss and all of the sudden the door bust open.

"GUESS WHO IS BACK FROM THEIR HONEY MOON!" Sky said standing in the doorway.

"And guess who had to pick him up at the airport." Josh said coming up behind him.

"So why are you here and not with your wife?" I asked.

"Because she went to go see her mom and her mother is crazy." Sky said sitting down on the couch next to Jordyn.

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